University of Southern Indiana

Coaching Services for Improvement

Coaching in organizations increases employee and staff engagement and improves individual performance. Coaching can also identify and develop high potential employees by identifying both organizational and individual strengths and development opportunities.

University of Southern Indiana professional coaching services can be provided to clients for any level of employee in the organization. Confidential coaching services provide honest and objective feedback to develop a practical plan for an individual’s development or improvement. Whether someone is looking to achieve a promotion or reinvigorate their current role, coaching allows them to build on current strengths and develop growth strategies.

Coaching sessions are predominantly face-to-face, but we can accommodate a session by phone if need be. Individual, group and team coaching sessions are available depending on organizational needs. The coaching method and interactions will vary by each unique individual situation.

Effective coaching can have an enormous impact on an individual’s career, but can also impact the entire company.

Contact Paula Nurrenbern, manager, customized solutions at 812-461-5425 or, for a needs assessment to see how our programs can meet the training needs of your company or organization.

Contact Paula Nurrenbern


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