Change of Address

Please keep us informed of your current address and phone number. Immigration regulations require that you update your address with the Center for International Programs within 10 days of moving. The Center for International Programs must then report the new address to the Department of Homeland Security through the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS).

Make sure to complete the following two steps whenever you change your local address:

  1. Update your address information in myUSI. Your local address is listed as your mailing address in myUSI.

  2. Complete the Change of Address Form and submit it to International Programs within 10 days of moving.


International Programs - Main office

fas fa-map-marker-alt University Center East, Room 1234
fas fa-mobile-alt 812-465-1248
fas fa-envelope Email
fas fa-clock Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (central)