Transfer Credit

Transfer Credit Evaluation

Once all requirements are received and reviewed, an admission decision will be made.  Students are notified of the admission decision by email.

Credits earned through educational institutions located outside the United States will be considered for transfer credit after an appropriate evaluation. Educational institutions must be recognized by the Ministry of Education (or other accrediting body) of the respective country in order for credit to be accepted. USI will evaluate transcripts for transfer credit after the student has been admitted. 

If a student has attended an undergraduate or graduate program outside the U.S. and wished to earn transfer credit, the university must receive the following items in order to conduct a Transfer Credit Evaluation:

  1. Final, Official Academic Records sent by mail in a sealed envelope or submitted electronically by the university or college directly to USI - photocopies not accepted 
  2. Course descriptions available from the school website and/or class syllabi translated into English
  3. Official information on the institution's grading system  

We reserve the right to request students to send their documents to an evaluation agency for a course-by-course evaluation report if necessary. 

Please visit Credit by Exam or use USI's Transfer Evaluation Self-Service (TESS) for additional resources. 


International Admissions

fas fa-map-marker-alt Orr Center, Undergraduate Admissions
fas fa-mobile-alt 812-464-1768
fas fa-envelope Email
fas fa-clock Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (central)