University of Southern Indiana

2020 News







  • Accounting Circle elects two new members; USI alumni
  • Professor Srivastava presenter at academic conference held virtually
  • McKnight presents at e-conference
  • Faculty publication: Dr. Brett Bueltel, assistant professor of accounting, and Dr. Mark McKnight, associate professor of accounting: Ryle, Patrick and Bueltel, Brett and Walker, A. Kelly and Gabrini, Carl and McKnight, Mark, The Impact of the Facebook Court Order & CCPA 2020: Helping Businesses and Accountants Meet the Challenge of the New Era of Privacy Compliance (June 1, 2020). Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy 21(2): 247-262 (2020). Available at SSRN: 
  • Dr. Brett Bueltel's Acct 304 Intermediate Accounting II course was accepted and approved by Quality Matters.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Andrew Dill, assistant professor of accounting. Research/Conference Presentation Delivered: "Applying the Phillips Evaluation Model as a set of standardized metrics for the learning and growth perspective of the Balanced Scorecard Approach" at the  Academy of Business Research Virtual Spring 2020 Conference
  • Dr. Curtis Price, associate professor of economics. Community Presentation Delivered: "Using Classroom Experiments to Recruit and Engage Local High School Students: The Value and Efficacy of Engaged Student Learning in the Griffin Experimental Economics Laboratory" delivered to Shepard Leadership and Law Academy and USI Special Events.
  • Shifflet, M. A., Martinez, C., Oppenlander, J., & Shmerling, S. (2020). "Improving health care quality: Case studies with JMP." John Wiley & Sons Inc.
  • Community presentation: Dr. Daria Sevastianova, associate professor of economics, at Shepard Academy to Harrison High School students.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Daria Sevastianova, associate professor of economics. Title of presentation: Study Abroad Information Session, sponsoring event: USI Center for International Programs.
  • Dr. Daria Sevastianova, associate professor of economics. Title of panel moderated: Women in E-STEM Careers at St. Louis Federal Reserve.



  • Congratulations to the 2020 Distinguished Students
  • USI Entrepreneurship Initiative awarded grant from Elevate Nexus
  • (2020). McKnight, M.A., Robey, S. L., McKnight, J. L., & Marcuson, M. R.  Applying the Phillips Evaluation Model to the Balanced Scorecard:  Measuring an organization’s learning & growth (innovation) perspective.  Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research, 16(1), pp 144-161. 
  • Congratulations to Jeffrey Wilmes '81, accounting, for receiving USI Alumni's Alumni Service Award, and to Dr. Ernest Hall, professor of management, for being the recipient of the Faculty Service Award.  
  • Scott Anderson, instructor in computer science: community presentation delivered: IndianaComputes!, Summer 2020.
  • Community presentation delivered: Scott Anderson, Dr. Srishti Srivastava and Wendy Wooldridge: USI Computer Science Summer Camp, Summer 2020.
  • Faculty publication: Ryle, P., Bueltel, B., Walker, A. K., Gabrini, C., & McKnight, M. (2020). The impact of the Facebook court order & CCPA 2020: Helping businesses and accountants meet the challenge of the new era of privacy compliance. Journal of Accounting, Ethics and Public Policy, 21(2), 247-262.
  • Research article published: Gilstrap, C. (Cristina). (2020). Organizational sensegiving in family-centered care: How NICU nurses help families make sense of the NICU experience. Health Communication.
  • Chapman, S., Hilton, A., Ward, A., Saull, D., & Gilstrap, C. (Curt). (2020). " as a social style platform brand: Strategic use of social media brand communities." Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies, 26. 
  • Faculty publication: Price, C. R. (2020). Do women shy away from competition? Do men compete too much?: A (failed) replication. Economics Bulletin, 40(2), 1538-1547. 
  • Research article accepted: Smothers, J.E. Humanistic Entrepreneurship: The Pioneering Case of Frances Wright. Journal of Ethics and Entrepreneurship.
  • Research article accepted: Yang, J. “Fix it with Green:” The Valuation Impact of Green Retrofits on Residential Transaction Price. Journal of Housing Research.
  • Publication by Dr. Brett Bueltel and Dr. Mark McKnight titled “The Impact of the Facebook Court Order and CCPA 2020: Helping Businesses and Accountants Meet the Challenge of the New Era of Privacy Compliance*” has made several Top Ten download lists on the SSRN website including: Applied Accounting - Practitioner eJournal Top Ten, CGN: Disclosure & Accounting Decisions (Topic) Top Ten, Corporate Law: Practitioner eJournal (Forthcoming) Top Ten and LSN: Other Regulation of Information & Privacy Issues Involving Consumers (Sub-Topic) Top Ten.
  • Research article accepted: Dr. Brett Bueltel, assistant professor of accounting. Feeling GILTI: Tax strategies for U.S. multinational corporations to navigate the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research.
  • Yang, J. and Chen, M. "Does the regulation change play a role in the dividend policy? Empirical study of REITs." Global Business & Finance Review.* Link:
  • Yang, J. and Cashel-Cordo, P. "The Effectiveness of a Predictor-corrector Technique in European Currency Option Valuation." Global Business & Finance Review.* Link:
  • Research/conference presentation delivered: Dr. Xue Han, assistant professor of computer science. Title of presentation: Reproducing Performance Bug Reports in Server Applications: The Researcher’s Experiences Name of conference: 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Date of presentation: September 23, 2020
  • Oeding, J. (2020). "State legislatures have the courage to pass antiabortion laws and test the ideology of the ‘new’ United States Supreme Court." Asian Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, 3(1), 136-150.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Jill Oeding, associate professor of business law. Community Presentation Delivered: Business Ethics to Institute of Internal Auditors Tri-State Chapter.
  • Faculty presentation: Mr. James Powers, computer applications training coordinator. Community Presentation Delivered: "How to Navigate Microsoft Excel." Sponsoring event: USI Student Support Services.
  • Dr. Jamie Seitz earned a Certificate of Completion from Institute of Management Accountants for successfully completing "IMA Data Analytics & Visualization Fundamentals" September 22, 2020.
  • Research article published: Mesak, H. I., Wanjugu, S., & Blackstock, R. (2020). An examination of the diffusion of prepaid mobile telephony in selected emerging markets and developing economies. Information
    & Management, 57. 



  • Faculty presentation: Mark McKnight, Ph.D. | Andrew Dill, Ph.D., virtually presented "Trump Tax Cuts: Does Name Recognition Impact Taxpayer Perceptions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?" at inaugural Marshall Business Research Conference, November 6, 2020.
  • Presentation: Trump Tax Cuts: Does Name Recognition Impact Taxpayer Perceptions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act?
    Conference: Marshall Business Research Conference.
    Date: November 6, 2020. 
  • Foroughi, A. (2020). Supply chain workforce training: Addressing the digital skills gap. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning.
  • Faculty presentation: Timothy Bryan, D.B.A., Marshall University | Mark A. McKnight, Ph.D., University of Southern Indiana virtually presented "Earnings Management through Bad Debt: A Study of Bad Debt Expense in Chemical and Allied Products Manufacturers" at inaugural Marshall Business Research Conference, November 6, 2020.
  • Dr. Jamie Seitz, assistant professor of accounting, earned a Certificate of Completion from Institute of Management Accountants and University of Illinois for successfully completing "Beyond the Basics: Data Analytics and Visualization for Accounting Professionals." November 13, 2020.
  • Fall 2020 Accountants in the Classroom presentations
  • Industry publication: Johnson, T. B., Rich, J., & Noland, T. G. (2020, November 1). Why risk assessment merits increased auditor focus. Journal of Accountancy.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Gary Black, associate professor of decision sciences. Presentation: Development of Ebook for DSCI 351. Conference: Romain College of Business (RCOB) Summer 2020 Fellowships Presentations. Date: November 10, 2020.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Cristina Gilstrap, assistant professor of business communication. Presentation: Facing Uncertainty While Paying It Forward: Uncertainties Experienced by Healthcare Executives as Formal Organizational Mentors. Conference: Romain College of Business (RCOB) Summer 2020 Fellowships Presentations. Date: November 12, 2020.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Curt Gilstrap, assistant professor of business communication. Presentation: Exploring Unsanctioned Chat Application Behavior Relative to Sanctioned Team Work. Conference: Romain College of Business (RCOB) Summer 2020 Fellowships Presentations. Date: November 12, 2020.
  • Faculty presentation: Mr. Scott Anderson, instructor in computer science. Presentation: Middle and High School Summer Computer Science Camps. Conference: Romain College of Business (RCOB) Summer 2020 Fellowships Presentations. Date: November 10,, 2020.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Xue Han, assistant professor of computer science. Presentation: A Configuration-Aware Performance Profiling Tool. Conference: Romain College of Business (RCOB) Summer 2020 Fellowships Presentations. Date: November 12, 2020.
  • Faculty presentation: Mr. Bryan Bourdeau, instructor in business. Presentation: Analyzing Supply Chain to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness for all Stakeholders Involved. Target: Evansville, Indiana Food Insecurity Ecosystem. Conference: Romain College of Business (RCOB) Summer 2020 Fellowships Presentations. Date: November 10, 2020.
  • Faculty presentation: Dr. Sima Fortsch, assistant professor of management. Presentation: Analyzing Supply Chain to Improve Efficiency and Effectiveness for all Stakeholders Involved. Target: Evansville, Indiana Food Insecurity Ecosystem. Conference: Romain College of Business (RCOB) Summer 2020 Fellowships Presentations. Date: November 10, 2020.


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