University of Southern Indiana

2017 Results

Case Competition

Three teams competed in the business case competition. They presented their findings to a panel of judges made up of USI faculty and students and accounting professionals. Teams then advanced to a finalist round.

USI Business Case Competition

The team of Tacorion Pendleton and Halle Bowman from North High School placed first.

USI Business Case Competition

Placing second is Princeton High School.

USI Business Case Competition

Princeton High School also took third place.

Individual Competition:

Scholarship to Romain College of Business

Joel Domsic from Henderson County receives $1,000 scholarship to Romain College of Business.

Scholarships to Romain College of Business

Austin Stetter from Princeton High School receives $500 scholarship to Romain College of Business.

Scholarship to Romain College of Business

Adam Robinson of Princeton High School receives $250 scholarship to Romain College of Business.

Group photo:

USI Business Case Competition

Thank you to the high school students and instructors, volunteers, and USI faculty and students for making the day a successful event!

Participant testimonials

"I had a wonderful experience at the USI 2017 case study competition. This type of experience really allows for students to face their fears, and get better at presenting in front of crowds. The staff that was in charge was very friendly, and they made everyone feel very welcome. I got to present on topics I normally wouldn't get to at school. This allowed for me to use my accounting class in my favor. I used what I learning in accounting to back my research project, while getting the chance to learn more. They also provide us with lunch, and gave us a tour around campus while enjoying a fun activity. It was a overall great experience and I would definitely recommend this to all high school students looking to further their education in the business field." - Halle Bowman, North High School and 2017 winning team member

"I had a great time during the competition. It was very fun. It was also very easy to go through, when we had a lot of down time we had something to do during that time. I wish I could come back for another year." - Cori Pendleton, North High School and 2017 winning team member

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