University of Southern Indiana

illume Fall 2020 | Prevail

State of the U: Perseverance

Dr. Ronald S. Rochon

In this issue’s State of the U, President Ronald S. Rochon expresses his love for USI and his deep desire to keep the University open and operating in a safe manner.

Pen a Caption

Pen a caption

Write a winning entry to this photo and we’ll publish it in the spring 2021 issue, along with a new photo in need of a caption. Be creative, fun and succinct in writing your caption.

See the last winning entry.

Adaptation: Education in the Time of COVID-19 

Pausing and pivoting, USI faculty, administrators and staff collaborated to design a thoughtful approach to returning to campus this Fall, after moving to online only last Spring and Summer, due to the pandemic.

Tele Mental Health - By the Numbers

The closing of campus in March also closed USI's Counseling Center. To ensure students needing to talk to mental health professionals were able to continue to do so, the Center shifted from in-person sessions to Zoom and/or the phone. 

Soundtracks: Students Share Their Closed-Campus Experiences

Nearly 9,000 students left campus March 17, when USI moved to online learning due to the pandemic. But 75 stayed on campus. Find out what the experience was like for them.

Rebound: Success from the Sidelines

USI's new Men's Basketball Head Coach Stan Gouard had other plans for his life, but when his calling came he knew it was a winner.

The Million Dollar Question

What started with an email led to significant changes in a local hospital's fight against germs on lead aprons when College of Nursing and Health Professions' faculty Joy Cook and Heather Schmuck got involved. But it didn't end there.

Student POV: Anna Ardelean '22

When Anna Ardelean came to USI, the political science major found more than an educational institution, she found a "home." But then COVID-19 struck and Anna learned something new.

From the Desk of Andrea Gentry '05

Growing up in a small, rural community led Andrea Gentry, USI Foundation Director of Development, to think she should go to a small, private university because it would feel "safe." But then she changed her mind and applied to USI where she's put down deep roots.

The Science of Brain Freeze

Ever wonder what is happening to your brain when you get a sharp pain in your head from eating ice cream too fast or take a big gulp of an icy drink? Dr. Brent Summers, Associate Professor of Biology, explains it.

The Immeasurable Impact of "Mama Heidi"

While the number of international students touch by Heidi Gregori-Gahan, Associate Provost Emerita for International Programs, aka "Mama Heidi", is measurable, her positive impact on their lives is, well, immeasurable.

Tail Feather

He once dreamed of being a rock musician and then a record producer, but Dr. Steve Williams, Associate Professor of Sociology, can't imagine a better career than educator.

What Alumni Said Last March

Alumni were asked to tell us how life changed for them at the beginning of the pandemic, dozens weighed in. 

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