University of Southern Indiana

What's in it for you?

by John Michael O'Leary

Jamie Read is director of marketing and strategic development with Hubb Management in Evansville. She completed the master’s in business administration (MBA) in December 2018 with a concentration in data analytics. She shared her thoughts with us about her motivation for achieving the degree, her experience in the program and what it has meant to her career.

JamieWhy did you enroll in USI’s MBA program?

I have a master’s in occupational therapy; however, my professional experience and background has focused more on business development and sales. I pursued a master’s in business administration to enhance my technical knowledge and increase my credibility as a business leader. In addition, I looked at this endeavor as a personal investment that would help me develop a framework for problem-solving, improve my leadership skills, network with other business professionals, improve my strategic thinking and build on my communication skills within the business world.

What is your impression of USI’s MBA program?

I valued the convenience of the program in that I could complete all classes online and within a reasonable timeframe. USI’s program did not require me to sit for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test) because I met certain criteria due to my GPA, professional experience and prior master’s degree. Lastly, the structure of the program allowed me to focus on other important roles in my life, such as being a parent, wife and employee. Cost played a factor as well. 

How would you describe the learning environment in the program?

I enjoyed the networking between students and professors, and I felt that the professors were dedicated to their role in helping and challenging students to learn. I was impressed at how readily available most professors were to connect via LinkedIn and provide guidance. Moreover, the alumni community is extensive at USI and is very active in the direction of the College.

Has what you learned in the MBA program made a difference in your career?

I believe that my MBA set me up for the promotion to my current position. I have repeatedly used the skills that I learned in my classes on leadership, data visualization, marketing, strategy and economics. I have been able to take these transferable skills and apply them to marketing, project management, data collection and analyses and communication. I feel that now I have several frameworks that prepare me to be more independent, creative and proactive in my business dealings. I am thankful for my experience at USI, and more importantly, I am thankful for the self-confidence and sense of pride I received from completing the MBA program. 

The MBA at the Romain College of Business comprises of 30 postgraduate credit hours across all business disciplines. With the recent addition of project management, the program now offers a choice of six concentrations (i.e., accounting, data analytics, engineering management, healthcare administration, human resources and project management) in addition to the option of a traditional MBA. The project management concentration equips students with the knowledge to pass the Project Management Institute exams and equips them with the skills to manage projects in the workplace. 

“The MBA curriculum is designed to be very practical,” says Dr. Jack Smothers, associate professor of management and the MBA program director. “We want each class to improve our students’ lives and impact their organizations. What students learn one day, they can put into practice the next.”

What might an MBA mean to your career? Find out more, including admission requirements, cost and how to apply.

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