University of Southern Indiana

Dean's Remarks

McGuireDear Colleagues, Students, Alumni and Friends of the Romain College of Business,

The first six months of 2022 may have been difficult for the stock market and cryptocurrencies, but these same six months have been very successful for the Romain College of Business.  By reading this newsletter, you will see our students and faculty have enjoyed many achievements during the Spring 2022 Semester.

A team of students from the Romain College of Business took first place at the 2022 Econ Games.  The event, which was hosted by Gatton College of Business and Economics at the University of Kentucky, was held in Lexington on March 24-25.  As the winning team, USI received both a $1,500 cash prize and a five-year Stata license. 

The Romain College of Business expanded its existing Master of Business Administration online programs to include a new concentration in Marketing.  With this new concentration, students will develop strategic and tactical marketing expertise through focus on digital marketing, apply consumer behavior models and advanced analytical techniques.  In addition, students will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to grow brands, build stronger customer relationships and grow revenue, and become effective marketing leaders in any organization. 

USI's Lambda Mu Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi was recognized as a "Superior Chapter" for the 2021-2022 academic year. In addition to this excellent international recognition, superior chapters receive a financial award contributed by the KPMG Foundation.  Recognition as a superior chapter is a significant accomplishment, meaning USI’s chapter far exceeded the baseline requirements of Beta Alpha Psi and excelled in the areas of academics, professionalism, and leadership. 

Romain College of Business students provided free federal and state income tax preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program.  In VITA programs, the Internal Revenue Service partners with various organizations to provide tax services to individuals with low-to-moderate income at no cost to the taxpayer.  In addition to providing a great service that was open to students, faculty, staff, and the community, USI students gained relevant, real-world experience in preparing tax returns. 

Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple Computer, took center stage in USI’s Screaming Eagles Arena as the fifth speaker in the “Romain College of Business Innovative Speaker Series.”  The Woz spoke to a large crowd on USI’s campus in March, stating that he does not have it in him to regret yesterday’s woes, as he is too busy “dreaming outside the rules” and imagining the future.

The Romain College of Business received a $100,000 gift from Warehouse Services, Inc., to establish a scholarship endowment named for its President, Barry Cox, for students enrolled in the College's “Supply Chain Management Certificate Program.”  The courses in the new certificate program cover global sourcing, logistics management, transportation, warehouse operations, procurement and other operational roles.  Students in the program will be familiar with managing the entire supply chain and its strategic risks and problems as well as making strategic decisions.

I am also pleased to announce that Dr. Sudesh Mujumdar has accepted the position of Dean of the Romain College of Business at USI, effective July 25, 2022.  Dr. Mujumdar was previously Dean of the College of Business Administration at Savannah State University (in Savannah, Georgia), where he served since September 2019.  Prior to his Deanship at Savannah State University, Dr. Mujumdar served as Chair for USI’s Economics and Marketing Department in the Romain College of Business. We are certainly excited to have Dr. Mujumdar back at USI in his new role.

Finally, I want to thank all of you for your support of the Romain College of Business during the 2021-2022 academic year.  With your continued involvement and support, we have experienced another great year!

Brian L. McGuire
Interim Dean
Romain College of Business

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