University of Southern Indiana

Frequently Asked Questions


What is academic advising?
Academic advising is an important service provided by USI to aid a student in his/her development in becoming an educated person, a lifelong learner, and a contributing member of the workforce.

Who is my academic advisor?
Your advisor's name can be seen in your DegreeWorks Audit through myUSI. Log in and click the DegreeWorks icon, you'll find your advisors name in the information at the top!

How do I make an appointment with my academic advisor?
You can call your major's Advising Center to schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor.  If you are assigned to a faculty advisor you would contact them directly. 

How often should I meet with my academic advisor?
Advisors are available to meet with students throughout the semester. While it is required that you see your advisor for Priority Registration Advising, you should meet with your advisor anytime you have questions or concerns about your academic performance.


I'm not sure what to major in, is that okay?
Yes. Being undecided about your major is common for new students. In fact, according to The ACT, 65-80% of college students will change their majors at least once.

If you are unsure what you want to major in, advisors in the Center for Exploring Majors can help you explore your options. The Center for Exploring Majors hosts an Exploring Majors and Minors Fair each fall, which is a great resource for students.

Students who have not selected a major may work on completing the University Core 39 requirement, which can provide direction in selecting a major. Some hours completed for the Core 39 may also be applied to major course work.

What are the advantages of starting college as an undecided student?
If you complete a thorough exploration and decision-making process during your first year in college, starting out as undecided will increase the probability of making a good choice of major and reduce the chances of changing your major.

What majors are available at USI?
There are a wide variety of majors available at USI through our academic colleges. You can also refer to the University Bulletin for program descriptions and requirements.

When do I need to make a decision about my major?
You must declare your major by the time you earn 60 credit hours.

Where can I get help choosing my major?
USI offers a number of resources to help students choose majors, including our Exploring Majors page. As always, your advisor is an excellent resource. Career Counseling offers many assessments to help students in their search for a career after a major has been chosen.

What is the difference between a Bachelor of Science (BS) and a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree?
A Bachelor of Science degree at USI does not require foreign language study. The Bachelor of Arts degree at USI requires a minimum of 12 hours of instruction in non-English world languages and cultures or the demonstration of competence at the intermediate level through an appropriate language examination.

How do I determine specific classes I have to take for a given major?
You can view the major requirements for all major requirements at USI. You can also complete a "What if" analysis through the DegreeWorks Audit on your myUSI account. Students may begin working on requirements for many majors and minors even though they are advised in different advising centers.

Registration & Scheduling

How do I choose my classes?
Before choosing any semester schedule you must meet with your academic advisor. Student orientation is mandatory for all new students. During new student orientation, you will attend an advising session and meet with an academic advisor. You will have a chance to discuss your many academic options at that time.

How many classes should I take each semester?
Students must enroll in at least 12 credit hours to be considered full time; however, most students will be encouraged to enroll in 15-16 credit hours. Students should take into consideration other time commitments, including jobs, family, extracurricular, and/or commuting.

How can I find out what classes are available?
You can access a listing of classes through your myUSI account. Access the Self Service application and click Student to see class options.

When can I register for classes?
Registration eligibility is determined by your class standing and also by the first letter of your last name.

To determine your day to register, contact your advisor. You can also refer to the Registrar's office for the Priority Registration and Open Registration Schedules.

Registration for the spring semester occurs the last full week of October. Registration for the fall semester occurs the last full week of March.

It is important that you meet with your advisor well in advance of these dates.

How many credits do I have to be a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior?
Undergraduate students are classified as follows:

Freshmen 0-30 credit hours
Sophomore 31-59
Junior 60-90
Senior 91+

How do I make changes to my schedule?
Procedures for changing your schedule are dependent on when the changes are made.

Students may drop a course up through 4:30 p.m. on the Friday of the first week of the semester through myUSI. (Please note that classes that do not meet the full semester have different drop/refund policies).

After the first week of classes, a student must complete an add/drop form with signatures of both the advisor and instructor. These forms may be obtained at the Registrar's Office or from your advisor. 

Instructions on how to fill out add/drop form electronically are available here.

If you receive financial aid, it is imperative that you also consult your student financial assistance coordinator when deciding whether to drop or add a class.

What is the difference between dropping and withdrawing from a course?
A student may drop a course up until 4:30 p.m. on Friday of the first week of classes through myUSI. These courses will not appear on a student's transcript.

A student may withdraw from a class up until 4:30 p.m. on the Friday before final exams.

Classes dropped between the 2nd and 9th week of the semester will automatically receive a W in the class. Please note that classes that do not meet the full semester have different drop/refund policies.

Classes dropped from the 10th week to the last day of classes before final exam week will receive a W if they are passing at the time the course is dropped; however, if failing at the time the course is dropped, the student may receive the grade of WF in the course.

If a student drops the course receiving the WF grade, the WF will be factored into a student's GPA as an F.

Student Records

How can I check my academic progress?
The best way to check your academic progress is to check your DegreeWorks Audit. Your advisor can help you review your DegreeWorks Audit.

What is the difference between a transcript and a DegreeWorks Audit?
A transcript will only provide you with a list of courses you have taken along with your grades and your GPA.

A DegreeWorks Audit presents the same information in a format that shows you how the courses you have taken, or are taking, correspond to your Core 39, major, and graduation requirements.

How do I obtain a transcript?
To request your USI transcript access the request form found under Student Records in Self Service through myUSI.

Academic Probation
or Dismissal

What does academic probation mean?
Students who fail to meet the minimum standards of academic progress will be placed on academic probation for one semester. During that semester, the student should make use of the available university resources to improve academic skills and performance. Failure to meet the minimum standards of progress at the end of the probationary semester will result in academic dismissal from the university.

How can I check my current academic standing?

  1. Check your unofficial transcript on myUSI 
  2. Look at the last semester completed 
  3. Your academic standing will be listed

How can I have failed when I dropped the course?  I quit going to class, but I still received an F.
The only way to “drop” a course is for you to use MyUSI or go to the Registrar’s Office.  “Withdrawing” from a course is a formal procedure requiring a “Add/Drop Form” be given to the Registrar’s Office after obtaining your instructor’s and/or advisor’s signature.  Just because you stopped attending the class does NOT mean you withdrew.  You were still officially enrolled, so the F is an actual grade on your record.  And, you are still financially responsible for the course.

Should I repeat a course in which I received below a C?
Repeating a course is often the best option to improve your GPA.  Remember when repeating a course that the most recent grade will replace the first grade (regardless if it is a lower grade). For further information regarding the course repeat policy, refer to the Office of the Registrar.

Does probation mean I may not return to school next semester?
No, it is a warning that you might be dismissed if you do not improve your GPA in the next term.

Will Academic Probation affect my registration?
A hold is placed on your registration account.  All students on academic probation must meet with their Academic or Faculty Advisor before this hold is removed. 

Are there other resources to help me earn my way back into good standing?
Visit Academic Skills tutoring for learning assistance and resources.  You can receive tutoring on a wide variety of subjects and handouts on a variety of academic study strategies such as time management and successful test-taking.  You can also meet with a certified Study Skills Tutor to go over study strategies in more depth.

Should I change my major?
If the course(s) that caused you problems is a course in your major, then you may want to reevaluate your academic goals. We would recommend that you take GENS111 (Career Planning) to do some career exploration.

How does probation affect my financial aid?
Probation may have a direct influence on your financial aid since federal regulations require that you maintain satisfactory academic progress to receive financial aid.  Contact the Financial Aid Office for a review of your situation.

How will probation affect my graduation?
To graduate from USI, you must have a minimum 2.000 cumulative GPA.  Each major has different GPA requirements. Until you meet these requirements, you will not be allowed to graduate.

What will happen if I am unable to raise my cumulative GPA to the required GPA?
Failure to meet the above stated required GPA levels at the end of the probationary semester will result in academic dismissal.

Academic Dismissal

What does academic dismissal mean? 
A student who is academically dismissed from the university may not register for credit classes for a minimum of one semester unless readmitted provisionally. Such readmissions are not automatic.

What does provisional readmission mean?
An academically dismissed student may apply for provisional readmission for one semester according to the terms of a provisional readmission contract agreed upon by the student and the readmitting college. At the discretion of the departments, students provisionally readmitted may be subject to some or all of the following requirements:

Limitation to 12 or fewer credit hours 
Repetition of courses with grades of D or F 
Attendance at mentoring appointments 
Approval by academic advisor of all changes to the schedule of classes Use of campus resources for academic support

Contact Mr. Tim Fitzgibbon


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