When driving or walking on University streets, please remember the following safety precautions:
- Obey speed limits.
- Pay attention to signs and street markings.
- Watch for pedestrians.
- Remember that pedestrians have the right-of-way.
- Don’t assume pedestrians see you.
- Report other drivers for failure to yield.
- Do not jaywalk: Cross the street only at intersections and use marked crosswalks where available.
- Make eye contact with drivers when crossing busy streets and continue to watch out for traffic the entire time you are in the crosswalk. Your life may depend on it, regardless of whether or not you have the right-of-way.
- Be sure to evaluate the distance and speed of oncoming traffic before you step out into the street to ensure that a vehicle has adequate distance in which to stop safely.
- Wear bright colors or reflective clothing if you are walking near traffic at night. Carry a flashlight when walking in the dark.
- Always look for signs that a car is about to move (rear lights, exhaust smoke, sound of motor, wheels turning), and never walk behind a vehicle that is backing up.
- If you see someone driving erratically, speeding, or disregarding stopping for pedestrians at a crosswalk, note their license plate, a description of the vehicle, a description of the driver, time, and date and notify the Office of Public Safety.
The Office of Public Safety is located in the Security Building. The telephone number is 812/464-1845 for routine business. For emergencies, call extension 7777 or 812/492-7777 from your cell phone.
From a campus phone line - call ext. 7777 or 8-911 or
from your cell phone - 812-492-7777 or 911
For routine business call 812-464-1845.
812-421-6200 (Headquarters)
812-421-6201 (Command Post)
Evansville Police Department