University of Southern Indiana
Student in the theatre production design lab

Program Admission


Theatre Button

Theatre Arts Program

There is no additional admission requirement or application process for the Theatre Program beyond acceptance into the University; any student may pursue a Theatre Arts degree. Some upper-level theatre courses are offered on the permission of instructor basis.

Prospective Theatre Arts majors are encouraged to audition and interview for talent scholarships in the spring of their senior year in high school. To request an interview for a scholarship, contact the coordinator, .

Music ButtonMusic Program

Chamber Choir  |  Women's Choir  |  Jazz Band

There is no additional admission requirement or application process for the Music Program beyond acceptance into the University; any student may pursue a music minor.

Students pursuing music minors are required to complete four semesters in one of USI's music ensembles. Students must audition to become members of the Jazz Band, the Chamber Choir and the Women's Choir. To request an audition for the Music Program, contact director .

Contact Elliot Wasserman


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