University of Southern Indiana


USI reminds students and employees to beware of cyber criminals who are out to steal money and personal information.


Criminals are aware that many people are doing the following actions 

          Shopping Online

          Sending or Expecting packages

          Looking for ways to save/earn money 

Scammers/Phishers are attacking by email and telephone - and are targeting college students.

How to spot a Scam:

  1. If it sounds too good to be true (earn $1000/week) – it probably is a scam.
  2. If the message contains grammar or spelling errors, it could be an international scammer.
  3. If the FROM address (gmail) in email does not match the content of message (bank). *
  4. Beware of any messages with hyperlinks or attachments that you were not expecting.
  5. HOVER over hyperlinks to verify that the link destination is the same as the displayed address.
  6. If a Bank or Vendor states there is a problem with your account – don’t follow hyperlinks.  Contact the vendor directly.
  7. If the subject line is tagged with ***spam*** then be suspicious of this message.
  8. If email or PHONE call demands immediate payment without giving you an opportunity to question or appeal, it is most likely a scam.  Caller ID & Sender addresses can be spoofed. 
  9. Neither Microsoft, nor any other tech company is going to call you about a virus on your computer.  Don’t let random callers remote into your computer. 

*When deciphering email addresses – pay the MOST attention to the part of the email address AFTER the @. is not PayPal.  Neither is 


Phone Scams

Victim receives a phone call from the “IRS”, “Law Enforcement”,”911”, or the “Bank”.

It is actually a scammer that has manipulated the caller-ID on your phone.

The scammer might say:

   -Your vehicle was caught running a red light by a traffic camera

   -You failed to appear for jury duty

   -You did not pay your taxes on time

The victim is then instructed to send a payment immediately to avoid court or jail time.

If you do get a suspicious call, report it to

* Do not automatically return a missed phone call.  A scammer could be luring you into dialing a number that charges excessive fees.

Email Scams

“Work from home for $1000/week”
“You will fail my class if you don’t go to my web page”
“Click here to verify your account”

The Phisher is attempting to get you to click a link, download an attachment or give out personal or financial information.


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