University of Southern Indiana


Primary Palette

USI Blue
Pantone® 295C
100C 69M 8Y 54K
0R 40G 86B
Hex Code: #002856
Madeira Thread: #1167 Classic Rayon

Pantone® 186C
2C 100M 85Y 6K
207R 16G 45B
Hex Code: #CF102D
Madeira Thread: #910-1147 Classic Rayon

Support Colors


USI Grey - for athletic mark
Pantone® 421C
0C 0M 0Y 26K
196R 197G 199B
Hex Code: #BABBBC
Madeira Thread: 918-1811 Polyneon #40

Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc. The colors shown on this page are not intended to match the PANTONE Color Standards. For the PANTONE Color Standards, refer to the current edition of the PANTONE Color Formula Guide.

Contact Kindra Strupp


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