The club is established to promote hands-on educational experience in engineering design. This is accomplished through the design and construction of Autonomous Robots using guidelines and specifications established by competition. It is the object of this branch to further the aims and ideals of the IEEE. To promote the welfare and knowledge of our members through the holding of meetings, field trips, conferences, lectures and social events with the express goal of developing and expanding the knowledge of theory, applications and professional practice as it relates to all phases of electrical and computer engineering and related fields of endeavor.
Must be an Engineering or Engineering Tech major
To apply email one of the co-presidents- Samantha Fitzgerald or Dylan Fox
Club Officers
Co-President: Samantha Fitzgerald
Co-President: Dylan Fox
Vice President: Logan Oakley
Treasurer: Alison Allred
Secretary: Nate Jenkins
Advisor: Art Chlebowski
Meetings are Wednesdays @ 5:30 pm in BE 1013 and Saturday @ 10 AM in BE 1011
IEEE SoutheastCon: March 31st - April 2nd 2022
Social Media