University of Southern Indiana

Belize Marine TERC

USI Biology Students with a USI flag in the ocean.

For over 20 years, USI has had a partnership with the Belize Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC), an organization dedicated to research, education, and conservation. Located on Ambergris Caye, Belize Marine TREC provides all of the components necessary for conducting both science courses and field reserach experiences.

Our Tropical Marine Biology course is the ultimate "out of classroom" experience. This elective allows students to study marine species and ecology in the classroom in Indiana, then travel to Belize to observe those species up close and personal. Students take two or more snorkeling trips each day to explore the meso-Aermican barrier reef. The barrier reef, abundant charistamtic megafauna (sharks, rays, sea turtles, and manatees), intertidal and mangrove communities are all highlights of the experience.

  • Sea turtles under water

  • Tropical fish and plantlife.

  • Tropical fish and plantlife.

  • Tropical plant.

  • Tropical sponge.

Woman snorkeling and holding an orange starfish.

Ongoing research projects by USI faculty, in collaboration with Belize Marine TERC, provide great opportunities for students to be involved with marine biology and novel research. Schoalrships and finanical aid may all apply in funding your visit to TREC!

Contact Cindy DeLoney-Marino


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