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University of Southern Indiana

Climbing Wall Policies

  1. Everyone who enters the climbing area must check-in and have a completed waiver on file.
  2. Climbing is only allowed during open wall hours.
  3. All personal climbing equipment is the responsibility of the individual. USI Staff will not provide judgement on quality of the equipment.
  4. Rock climbing shoes are required to be worn on the climbing wall. They cannot be worn outside of the Climbing Center.
  5. Chalk balls are permitted. Loose chalk is not permitted.
  6. Be cautious of climber fall zones when in the climbing area. Never walk underneath a climber.
  7. Use climbing etiquette including; check and double check, respect others, share climbing routes and climbing spaces.
  8. All belayers and lead climbers must have passed qualification test and have proper verification on harness.
  9. Climbing without a rope is allowed on the bouldering wall only.
  10. Climbing on or hanging from the ceiling beam will result in loss of Climbing Center privileges.
  11. Spotters and crash pads are required when bouldering.
  12. Failure to abide by these policies and regulations, those printed in the RFWC general policies or requests made by any Climbing Wall employee can result in a warning, ejection or suspension of the Climbing Center.

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