University of Southern Indiana

Other Resources

USI Retirement Benefits

Other Helpful Links:

  • AARP The American Association of Retired Persons is the premiere advocacy group for those over 50. The site offers articles and tips ranging from ways to simplify everyday life, avoiding fraud, healthcare and caregiving, to entertainment, exercise, and technology. In the Virtual Community Center, learn about free interactive classes and events.
  • Administration on Aging Part of the Administration of Community Living (ACL), the AoA promotes the well-being of older adults with assistance designed for independent living in homes and communities. The site lists state and area agencies on aging, and over a dozen targeted programs and services.
  • Aging in Place Because 9 out of 10 of us want to age at home, this site offers links to information on mobility, home modification, caregiving, health, lifestyle, technology, finance, and legal issues. Includes a Zip Code search for in-home care agencies.
  • Avoiding Scams and Fraud for Older Adults This National Council on Aging site links to articles describing how to spot common scams, with tips to protect yourself and your money, and report suspected financial fraud.
  • CaringInfo A program of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, CaringInfo provides free resources to help with decisions about end-of-life care and services before a crisis.
  • This site is a trusted source for current information and advice, created by the American Geriatrics Society’s Health in Aging Foundation. You’ll find articles on wellness/prevention, age-friendly healthcare, medication issues, driving safety, and more.
  • Indiana Family and Social Services Administration: Division of Aging Here you will find links to information and resources to help Hoosiers make better decisions for themselves or older loved ones. The Division of Aging supports development of nursing home alternatives, and coordinates home- and community-based services.
  • PREPARE™ for your care PREPARE is a step-by-step program with video stories to help you have a voice in your own medical care and complete an advance directive form (downloadable from the site) to put your wishes in writing. PREPARE is based on five steps: choose a medical decision maker, decide what matters most in life, choose flexibility for your decision maker, tell others your wishes, and ask doctors the right questions. This site is being used for programs and courses on Advance Care Planning through USI’s Center for Healthy Aging and Wellness.
  • This site has tools, guides, and expert advice on housing, personal finance and insurance, health, safety technology, and transportation/mobility. Includes links to recent research reports on timely topics, e.g., nursing homes/assisted living, senior consumer debt, preventing elder abuse and theft, and many more.
  • Social Security Administration

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