University of Southern Indiana


Section I. Name

This organization is called USI Retirees, hereinafter referred to as the USI Retirees.

Section II. Mission

The USI Retirees will share their expertise and talent while engaging in social, service, and learning activities at USI and in the larger community.

Section III. Membership

Membership includes all USI retirees as well as current and surviving spouses. Active/voting members pay $20 per person annual dues. Inactive members pay no dues. A majority vote by active members may confer honorary membership on an individual.

Section IV. Governance

The Coordinating Council  will govern the USI Retirees and will exercise powers of the membership between general meetings. At the annual general meeting, active/voting members will elect eight members to the Coordinating Council, to serve on staggered, two-year terms. Coordinating Council members may serve up to two consecutive terms and must remain off the Committee for a minimum of two years before re-election.

Nominations to the Coordinating Council will come from the floor at the general meeting during fall semester. In case of unexpected vacancy, the Coordinating Council, by majority vote, will appoint a replacement to complete a term until the next general meeting.

The University president and the USI Foundation president will serve as nonvoting ex-officio members of the Coordinating Council.

Officers and Their Duties

At the annual general meeting of the active/voting membership, the Coordinating Council will offer, from the membership of the Coordinating Council , a slate of officers, including a president, a president-elect, a secretary, a treasurer, and a liaison to the USI President’s Office and the Foundation. Each officer will serve a one-year term and may be re-elected once to the same office for consecutive terms.

If an officer resigns or becomes unable to serve, the Coordinating Council will immediately assign that officer’s responsibilities to a committee member not already an officer.

President. The president will serve as primary representative of and spokesperson for the USI Retirees. The president will prepare agendas, preside at meetings, and consult appropriately with the membership and USI personnel.

President-Elect. The president-elect will perform the president’s duties during an absence and will assist with programming as needed.

Secretary. The secretary will prepare, review, and distribute minutes of meetings and supervise correspondence sent to members.

Treasurer. The treasurer will oversee any accounts, provide treasurer’s reports annually, interact with USI accounting personnel, and collect dues.

Liaison to USI. The liaison officer will stay in touch with the USI President’s Office and the Foundation to represent the .

Section V. Meetings

The USI Retirees will meet at least once annually, during fall semester of the academic year, for a general meeting. Members will receive at least 15 days’ notice of all general meetings. As needed, committees and small groups may set and hold their meetings.

Section VI. Dues

Beginning in fall 2011, annual dues for active/voting membership will be $20 payable to the Treasurer, who will coordinate a USI Agency account. Majority vote by active/voting members may change dues.

Section VII. By-laws

The by-laws may be amended at the annual general meeting by a simple majority of the active/voting members present.

Contact Mike Whipple


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