University of Southern Indiana

University Committees

University Committees
University of Southern Indiana councils and committees follow Robert's Rules of Order. All members, including ex officio members, have full voting rights and privileges of membership unless otherwise noted in a committee's description.

Choose a committee for more information:

Academic Planning Council
The Academic Planning Council is a standing council of representatives from the administration and faculty. The provost or a delegated member serves as chair of the council (See Faculty Handbook Section of the University Handbook, Item III, Academic Planning at the University of Southern Indiana).

See 2021-22 members...

Chair Mohammed Khayum
  Marna Hostetler
  Bartell Berg Joel Matherly
Shelly Blunt Zane Mitchell
Steven Bridges Kenneth Purcell
  Brody Broshears Dawn Stoneking
Rex Strange
Amy Chan-Hilton Aaron Trump
Michael Dixon William Wilding
Khalilah Doss Emilija Zlatkovska
Sandy Frank
 Ex Officio Ronald Rochon
Mary Hupfer


Administrative Senate
The Administrative Senate is the representative body of administrators, composed of elected senators and officers from the various departments.  The Administrative Senate’s purpose is to serve as a formal communication link with the president, serve as a consultative body for the president, and serve as a formal means of communication among administrators.  The membership and organization of Administrative Senate is outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws which can be found at  The University President or a designee(s) serves as an ex officio non-voting member of the senate.

See 2021-22 members...

Alumni Advisory Board
This board is informed of all activities of the Alumni Association and is invited to all meetings of the Alumni Council.  This ex officio board includes faculty and/or administrative staff appointed by the president of the Association and the director of Alumni Relations and Volunteer USI.

See 2021-22 members...

 Members Ronald Rochon
Steve Bridges
Maggie Carnahan
Khalilah Doss
  Andrea Gentry
Janet Johnson
Lauren Smith
Rashad Smith
Dawn Stoneking
Kindra Strupp


Animal Care and Use Committee
The USI Animal Care and Use Committee (USI-ACOC) is responsible for the oversight of the use of vertebrate animals in research, testing, and exhibition in accordance with the Animal Welfare Act, the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and all other applicable federal, state, and local regulations, policies and procedures.  Appointed by the Provost in consultation with the Institutional Officer (IO) and academic deans, the Committee is comprised of (7) voting members, including an appointed chair, one representative from each USI college unit (and one alternate), one unaffiliated community member, and one Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

See 2021-22 members...

 Chair Rex Strange

Alex Champagne
Gary Black
Katherine Daniels
  Katherine Peak
T. Kyle Mara
  Peter Cashel-Cordo
  Samantha Sawyer
  Wes Durham
  David Hopper, DVM
  Carla Adlrich
 Ex Officio
Gloria Butz
Bryan Morrison
Aaron Trump

Art Collection Committee
The University Art Collection Committee, appointed by the president, is charged with developing and implementing policy regarding works of art accessioned or received by the committee.  The committee oversees the selection, placement, and maintenance of the works of the University’s permanent art collection and works in conjunction with the art collection registrar who maintains the collection.  The purview of the committee is limited to works of art and does not extend to special archival, archaeological, or scientific collections.  The committee consists of the vice president for Development who serves as chair, The dean of the College of Liberal Arts, a staff member of the New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art, a support staff member from College of Liberal Arts, the director of the Kenneth D. McCutchan Art Center and Palmina F. and Stephen S. Pace Galleries, the chair of the Art Department, a community representative, an art historian and/or studio artist, and the director of University Art Collections. Two emeriti professors serve as ex officio members.

See 2022-23 members...

 Chair David A. Bower
Brett R. Anderson
Sara A. Christensen Blair
Del D. Doughty
Neal A. Franklin
  Jillian S. Jones
  Rob Millard-Mendez
Shannon N. Pritchard
  Susan Colaricci Sauls
Iris L. Williamson
Ex-officio Joan D. deJong
Kathryn Waters


Banner Operations Committee
The Banner Operations Committee provides guidance in the operation of the University’s Banner administrative software system to assure optimum use of and benefit from the system for all users, including faculty, staff, administration, students, and alumni.  The committee and its chair are appointed by the president and represent Banner users and Information Technology.  The committee reports to the provost and vice presidents.

See 2019-20 members...

 Chair Steve Bridges
Andrea Daub
Katherine Draughon
Michael Dixon
Ingrid Lindy
  Mark Rusk
Jeff Sickman
Angela Vowells
Ex Officio Bradley Will


Career Services and Internships Advisory Committee
This committee, appointed by the president, reviews current programs and practices of the office of Career Services and Internships, appraises their relevance to student needs, and advises and assists in coordinating new programs developed by the office of Career Services and Internships.  Committee members provide communicative liaison with their academic colleges.  The committee consists of one faculty representative from each academic college.  The director of Career Services and Internships serves as chair.  Additional university staff may be asked to serve upon the recommendation of the director of Career Services and Internships.

See 2017-18 members...

 Chair TBD
Brody Broshears
Susan Gooden
Matthew Graham
  Janet Johnson
  Jeanette Maier-Lytle
  Ethel Elkins
Ex Officio Pam Doerter
Kathy Weinzapfel


Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Advisory Board

Appointed by the provost, the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Advisory Board supports and advises CETL in its mission to promote excellence in faculty activities and educational endeavors; serves as an advocate and liaison regarding CETL programming and services with faculty and staff in colleges/units; and provides feedback to help CETL align with the needs and goals of the faculty, academic staff, students and the University.  The chair is selected from its membership.  Membership consists of representatives from each academic college; a representative of Library Services; a representative of University Division; a representative of the Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors; a representative of Faculty Senate; and a representative from OSPRA/OPRA.  Ex-officio members are chair of Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors, Graduate Studies Director, Online Learning Executive Director, a representative from each College Dean's office, and the CETL Director.  Appointments may be renewed for a total of two consecutive terms for non-ex officio members.  A member may be appointed again after a pause in service.  Ex-officio members serve for the duration that member holds the title/position.

See 2021-22 members...

Brett Anderson
Manfen Chen
Susan Ely
  Jennifer Evans
  Heath Simpson
  Connie Swenty
Shane White
  Christine Wittmer
  Stephanie Young
 Ex-officio Glenna Bower
Amy Chan Hilton
Michael Dixon
Kim Hille
Brian McGuire


Data Governance 
The Data Governance establishes University practice relative to matters of institutional data, including but not limited to data definitions, data collection, data editing and integrity, data reporting and data security.  Data Governance is led by a Data Governance Strategic Team, co-chaired by the University’s chief data officer and the chief information officer and the committee consists of the vice president for Finance and Administration, vice president for Student Affairs, dean of students, director of Internal Audit, chief government and legal affairs officer, provost and representatives from Informational Technology, Planning Research and Assessment, and Risk Management. Reporting to the Strategic Team is the Data Governance Tactical Team, co-chaired by a representative of Information Technology and Planning, Research and Assessment. Representatives from Admissions; Business Office; Information Technology; Development/Foundation; Human Resources; Planning, Research & Assessment; Student Affairs; Registrar; and Student Financial Assistance are members of the Tactical Team. 

See 2021-22 members...

Strategic Team:
Co-Chair Stacy Draper
Steven Bridges Heith Simpson
Mohammed Khayum Anastasia Draper
  Aaron Trump David Alexander
  Brad Will Lance Woods
Jennifer Hammat Mark Logel
Khalilah Doss
 Tactical Team:
 Co-Chair Heith Simpson
 Co-Chair Anastasia Draper
Denise Allison Ingrid Lindy
Laurie Berry Michael Murphy
Andrea Daub Tracy Sinn
Jason Guerin Sandy Frank
Gregory Johnson Justin Hill
Cory Like Rebecca Neel


Development Council
This council is responsible for determining the funding needs of the University to be underwritten by private gifts to the USI Foundation.  This council also assists in planning solicitation of funds from private sources.  The Development Council, appointed by the president, is composed of the Vice President for Development (chair); Associate Provost for Academic Affairs; the deans of the academic colleges; Dean of Students; Administrative Senate Chair; Council of Chairs Chair; Faculty Senate Chair (or designee); Staff Council Chair and Vice Chair; Student Government Association President; directors of Alumni Relations and Volunteer Services; Athletics; Development; Graduate Studies; Historic New Harmony; International Programs; Library Services; Student Development Programs; Student Financial Assistance; Executive Director of Enrollment; Specialist of Student Financial Success Center; USI Board of Trustees Student Member; Associate Director for Campus Life; Associate Director Multicultural Center; Executive Director of Human Resources; Executive Director of Multicultural Center; and USI Foundation Student Advisory Board Member.  The Provost, Vice President for Finance and Administration, Vice President for Marketing and Communications, Vice President for Student Affairs; Senior Executive Assistant and Executive Assistant to the President are ex officio members.

See 2021-22 members...

Chair David A. Bower
Members Zane Mitchell
Anna Ardelean Cathy Nickens
  Shelly Blunt Joanna Riney
Christina "JoJo" Butler
Liam Collins Shawn Robey
  Michael Dixon Silvia Rode
Jenny Garrison Rashad Smith
  Andrea Gentry Carmen Stoen
  Jon Mark Hall Rex Strange
Jennifer Hammat Connie Swenty
Jake Hansen
Kim Hille Leslie Townsend
Pam Hopson
Marna Hostetler Peter Whiting
Janet Johnson Sarah Will
Brian McGuire Rhonda Woolsey
Emilija Zlatkovska
Ex Officio Steve Bridges Mohammed Khayum
Carey Beury Nita Musich
Khalilah Doss Kindra Strupp


Endeavor Awards Committee
The Endeavor! Awards Program Committee, is chaired by a committee member selected by the associate provost for Academic Affairs.  Voting members of the committee consist of one representative from each academic college, a representative of the Honors Council, the director of Endeavor Awards Program, an at-large member, and a chair (eight members total).  The Dean from each college will choose a member to serve on this committee and one alternate.  The provost will select the at-large member.  The committee will be responsible for reviewing proposals submitted for funding and recommending to the provost which proposals should be funded.  Members of the committee from each college and the at-large member will serve two-year terms.  The chair selected by the associate provost and director of Endeavor Awards Program serve continuous terms.

See members...

Endowment for New Harmony Studies Committee

The Endowment for New Harmony Studies was established by the USI Foundation to fund scholarly work that makes a significant and enduring contribution to the knowledge of New Harmony’s history.  The committee, appointed by the president, reviews requests for funds and makes recommendations for the provost’s approval.  Annual funding from the Endowment for New Harmony Studies is determined by the USI Foundation Spending Policy.

See 2021-22 members...

 Chair Leslie Townsend
Rebecca Deeg
Tamara Hunt
Silvia Rode
Michael Strezewski


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Council

The Council was formed in 2018 and replaced the Diversity Committee.  The Council is an educative and advisory group composed of faculty, staff and students from different racial/ethnic, social status, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, veteran status, and religions that reflect the diversity within the university community, as well as advocates for those groups.  Thirteen termed members make up the Council Executive Committee, who shall report directly to the USI President.  The Council will prepare the annual Diversity Report to the USI Board of Trustees.

See 2020-21 members...

Chair Pamela Hopson   
Members Kerseclia Patterson
  Glenna Bower Tereesha Patterson
  Rashad Smith
John Farless
  Jennifer Hammat Rex Strange
Chris Hoehn Steven Stump
Sakina Hughes
Janet Johnson Leslie Townsend
Aaron Trump
Kelsey McCullough Emilija Zlatkovska
Brandi Neal

Executive Enrollment Management Committee
The Executive Enrollment Management Committee (EEMC), will establish collaboration and communication across USI’s campus on all issues related to student recruitment and retention.  The committee’s primary goal is to create a seamless, supportive experience for students from admissions to graduation.  The EEMC consists of the provost (chair), vice president for Finance and Administration, vice president for Development, vice president for Marketing and Communication, vice president for Student Affairs, chief government and legal affairs officer, chief data officer, chief information officer, associate provost for Academic Affairs, executive director for Enrollment, director of Graduate Studies and college deans.

See 2021-22 members...

Chair Mohammed Khayum
  Shelly Blunt Michael Dixon
  Steve Bridges Zane Mitchell
David Bower
  Rashad Smith
  Anastasia Draper Kindra Strupp
Aaron Trump
Khalilah Doss


Faculty Senate
The Faculty Senate is the representative body of the faculty, composed of duly elected members of the faculty.  The organization and responsibility of the Faculty Senate and the standing committees are outlined in the Faculty Constitution.  (See Faculty Section II in the University Handbook.)

See 2022-23 members...

 Chair Kim Delaney
Brandon Field
Matt Hanka
  Alisa Holen
  Shannon Pritchard
  Curt Gilstrap
Nick Rhew
Peter Cashel-Cordo
  Robert Dickes
Jason Hardgrave
Stephanie Young
Jennifer Evans
Jessica Mason
Erin Reynolds
Paul Arthur
Ashley Carter
Xavia Burton
T. Kyle Mara
Susan Ely
Guoyuan Huang
Chase Smith
Shane White
Kate Sherrill
 Ex Officio Ronald Rochon
Mohammed Khayum


Graduate Council
The Graduate Council is the academic, executive, and planning committee of the graduate faculty.  Its membership consists of the director of each graduate program and an elected representative of the graduate faculty in each college.  In addition, the registrar, a representative of Library Services, and the provost are ex officio members.  The director of Graduate Studies serves as the chair.

See members...

Honorary Degree Committee
The Honorary Degree Policy and Process describes the appointment of the Honorary Degree Committee, which includes the provost (permanent membership and chair); two faculty members (at full professor rank) selected by Faculty Senate; one member of the Alumni Council selected by the Council; and the president of the USI Foundation (permanent membership).  The faculty members serve staggered three-year terms.  The Alumni Council representative serves a two-year term.  The Committee follows the guidelines outlined in the Honorary Degree Policy and Process.

See 2019-20 members...

Honors Faculty Council
The Honors Faculty Council, appointed by the provost, acts as the principal advisory body to the director of the Honors Program.  The Honors Faculty Council assists the Honors Director in designing and implementing the Honors Program's curriculum, student programs, and recruitment and retention practices.  The Honors Faculty Council consists of the director of the Honors Program, who serves as chair; at least two representatives from each academic college, recommended by the deans; and three student representatives from the Honors Student Council, recommended by the director of the Honors Program.

See members...

Information Technology Advisory Committee
Appointed by the president, the Information Technology Advisory Committee advises the chief information officer on issues related to technology needs and instructional technology.  Chaired by the chief information officer, the committee consists of a representative from each academic college and Outreach and Engagement; a representative of each of the four Management Information Systems modules; a representative of Library Services; and a member recommended by the Student Government Association.  Ex officio members are the vice presidents.  Members of the Information Technology staff may be invited to attend by the chief information officer as appropriate.

See 2021-22 members...

Chair Stacy Draper Paul Kuban
  Dave Alexander
  Rita Brunner Jeff Sponn
Larissa Cremeens Mike Murphy
  Andrea Daub Angel Nelson
  Mike Fetscher Jason Provence
  Abbey Foroughi
Marna Hostetler Lance Woods
Ex Officio Steve Bridges Rashad Smith
Khalilah Doss Kindra Strupp
Mohammed Khayum


Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects Research (IRB)
A federally mandated committee of faculty, administrators, and community representatives, which is charged to review and approve all research protocols involving humans as participants and created by anyone affiliated with the University of Southern Indiana. See the Institutional Review Board By-Laws on the USI website for a complete description of the committee.

See members...

License Committee
The License Committee, appointed by the president, oversees policies related to licensing the University’s name and images.  The members of the committee include the vice president for Marketing and Communications (chair), director of Creative and Print Services, vice president for Finance and Administration, direct of Athletics, marketing manager, Campus Store manager, Business Office controller, and director of Procurement.

See 2021-22 members...

 Chair Kindra Strupp
Terri Bischoff 
Steve Bridges
Jon Mark Hall
Stephanie Hawes
Jessica Leonard
Jeffrey Sickman
Jeffrey Sponn


Living Learning Community Committee
The Living Learning Community Committee consists of representatives from each Living Learning Community, Residence Life, Registrar, and Academic Affairs.  Appointed by the provost, the committee coordinates, assesses, and evaluates the USI Living Learning Community Program, assists faculty with intentional program development, and coordinates and teaches Living Learning Community course clusters.

See 2021-22 members...

Chair        Sarah Stevens
Aaron Adkins
Brett Bueltel
Glenna Bower
Robin Carroll
Joe Goudreau
Jennifer Horn
Lori Huck
Melissa Miller
Maureen Stephenson
Beth Thompson
Nicole Williams
Ex Officio Shelly Blunt
  Amy Price


Online Learning Council
The mission of the Online Learning Council is to discuss initiatives that advance the goals and objectives for developing and implementing the online strategy for the University.  The Online Learning Council, appointed by the president and chaired by the executive director of Online Learning, is comprised of representatives from each academic dean's office, online program coordinators, Library Services, Outreach and Engagement, Marketing and Communications, University Division, Center for Adult Learner Success, Registrar's Office, Undergraduate Admissions, Graduate Studies, Disability Resources, and Information Technology.  

See 2021-22 members...

    Bonnie Beach
Shelly Blunt
Brody Broshears
Kristie Byrns
Michael Dixon
Stacy Draper
Wes Durham
Trent Engbers
Sandy Frank
Renee Frimming
Julie McCullough
Monica O'Neil
Becca Neel
Tim Schibik
Rashad Smith
Kindra Strupp
Kevin Valadares

Personal Development Advisory Committee
This committee, appointed by the president, reviews current programs and practices of the Counseling Center to appraise their relevance to student needs and advises and assists in coordinating new programs developed by the Counseling Center.  This committee consists of three faculty members, the director of Religious Life, two students recommended by the Student Government Association, and the director of Counseling as non-voting chair.  Additional University staff may be asked to serve upon the recommendation of the director of Counseling.

See 2019-20 members...

Sean Gee
Kathy Elpers
Kyran Ellis
Christine Hoehn
Jennifer Nunning
Crystal Steltenpohl
Sarah Stevens


President's Council

The President’s Council is a standing council composed of the provost, the vice president for Finance and Administration; the vice president for Development; the vice president for Marketing and Communications; the vice president for Student Affairs; the college deans; the dean of students; the athletic director; the chief government and legal affairs officer; the chief data officer; the chief information officer; the associate vice president for Finance and Administration; the associate provost for Academic Affairs; the executive director for Enrollment; the executive director of Outreach and Engagement; the director of Graduate Studies; the interim director for International Programs; the executive director of Human Resources; the senior executive assistant to the President; the executive assistant to the President; the chairs of Administrative Senate, Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and Council of Department Chairs and Program Directors; and the president of the University as chair.  The president may appoint other members to this council and define their tenure.  This council reviews matters related to direction and coordination of operation.

See 2022-2023 members...

 Members Ronald Rochon          Greg Johnson
Carey Beury Mohammed Khayum
Shelly Blunt Zane Mitchell
David Bower Sudesh Mujumdar
Steve Bridges Nita Musich
Andrew Buck Dawn Paris
Kimberly Delaney Rashad Smith
Michael Dixon Dawn Stoneking
Khalilah Doss Kindra Strupp
Del Doughty Steven Stump
Stacy Draper Connie Swenty
Jon Mark Hall Aaron Trump
Jennifer Hammat Sarah Will
Mary Hupfer Emilija Zlatkovska


Provost's Council
The Provost’s Council is an advisory body to the provost and advises on academic and student policies and matters.  Members include academic deans; vice president for Student Affairs; associate provost for Academic Affairs; executive director of Online Learning; executive director of Outreach and Engagement; chief data officer; director of Graduate Studies; registrar; dean of students;  director of Library Services; assistant vice president for Academic Success; interim director for International Programs; director of Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; assistant director of Veteran, Military, and Family Resource Center; chair of Faculty Senate; the provost's senior administrative associate; and the provost as chair.

See 2021-22 members...

Chair Mohammed Khayum
Sandy Frank
  Shelly Blunt Jennifer Hammat
Michael Broshears Marna Hostetler
  Cathy Carey Joel Matherly
  Amy Chan Hilton Zane Mitchell
Dawn Stoneking
Michael Dixon Rex Strange
  Khalilah Doss
Emilija Zlatkovska
Michele Duran


Safety Committee
This committee, appointed by the president, shall identify safety problems on campus and recommend solutions to minimize the University’s exposure to risks, losses, and liabilities.  The committee consists of the manager of Environmental Health and Safety (chair), the associate provost of Student Affairs, the director for Risk Management and Safety, the director of Public Safety, a representative of the Physical Plant, a representative of Housing and Residence Life, a representative of Human Resources, a representative of Staff Council, a representative of the Administrative Senate, a faculty member, and a student.  Additional University staff may be asked to serve upon the recommendation of the chair.

See 2019-20 members...

 Chair Bryan Morrison
Steve Bequette Chris Hogue
Gloria Butz
  Jeanie Collins Mark Logel
  Khalilah Doss Miles Mann
Cathy Goldsborough Nick Bebout
  David Huebner Erica Uebelhor


Space Committee
Appointed by the president, the Space Committee reviews the space needs of the University community and determines how space will be utilized.  The committee is chaired by the director of Facility Operations and Planning and is comprised of the provost and vice presidents.  Non-voting members of the committee include the associate provost of Outreach and Engagement; the associate provost for Academic Affairs; the registrar; the chief information officer; the assistant treasurer; the director of Procurement Services; the director of Special Events; and the University architect.

See 2019-20 members...

Chair  Jim Wolfe
Shelly Blunt
David Bower
Steve Bridges Jeffrey Sickman
Khalilah Doss Dawn Stoneking
Sandy Frank Kindra Strupp
Mohammed Khayum
Donna Koewler


Staff Council
The Staff Council is the representative body of the support staff, composed of elected members representing various departments of the University.  The Staff Council serves in an advisory capacity to the administration.  The University president or a designee serves as an ex officio non-voting member of the council.

See 2022-23 members...

Student Disability Advisory Committee
This committee, appointed by the president, was established to aid disabled students in their college experiences.  It advises the director of Counseling on ways to ensure provision of reasonable and appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities and makes recommendations for the removal of social, academic, and structural obstacles.  The committee consists of the manager of Disability Resources (chair), the assistant coordinator of Disability Resources, the University architect, two administrators, two faculty members, and two students recommended by the Student Government Association.   Additional University staff and students may be asked to serve upon the recommendation of the director of Counseling.

See 2021-22 members...

Katie Dausman
  Robin Sanabria
Peggy Shields
  Steve Bequette
  Stacy Keown
  SGA Students (TBD)


Student Financial Assistance Advisory and Appeals Committee
The committee, appointed by the president, advises and assists the director of Student Financial Assistance in establishing guidelines and operating policies and procedures.  The committee reviews and advises on financial assistance programs and hears academic progress appeals.  This committee consists of the director of Student Financial Assistance (chair), two faculty members, two administrators, and two students.

See 2017-18 members...

Laurie Berry   
Katelyn Bueltel
  Henri Maurice
  Grant Pemberton
Lee Ann Shafer
  Peggy Shields
  Kristina Walker
  Amy Wilson


Student Publications Committee

This committee, appointed by the president, establishes criteria for the creation and operation of student publications, reviews and evaluates the financial operation, selects and/or removes editors of publications, adjudicates external and internal conflicts and complaints, and establishes and enforces standards of responsible journalistic behavior for staff of student publications.  The committee consists of the department of Communications chair or their designee (chair), two administrators, three faculty persons nominated by the Faculty Senate, and three students.  Students who are employed by a USI publication are not eligible to serve.  The dean of students, the student publications advisor, the FishHook advisor, the director of the Scripps Howard Center for Media Studies, and a representative from Finance and Administration serve as ex officio members.

See 2022-23 members...

Chair        Leigh Anne Howard
John Farless
Del Doughty
Greg Blair
John Morris
Jane Weatherred
Taegan Garner
Haviland Wyant
Ex Officio Jennifer Hammat
Benjamin Luttrull
David Black
Anthony Rintala
Kim Turner


Substance Abuse Committee
This committee, appointed by the president, reviews the effectiveness of drug and alcohol programs at the University of Southern Indiana as required in "The Drug-Free Schools and Community Act Amendment of 1989" (Public Law 101-226).  This committee monitors the effectiveness of the drug and alcohol policies as related to appropriate sanctions and education, referral, and rehabilitation programs and makes appropriate reports and recommendations to the president on at least an annual basis. A comprehensive biennial review of the effectiveness of the program and a report prepared for the U.S. Department of Education are mandated by federal law.  The committee consists of the dean of students as chair; the director of Counseling; director of Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness; director of Housing and Residence Life; director of Religious Life; director of Student Development; director of Public Safety; a representative from Athletics; a representative from Planning, Research, and Assessment; a representative from Staff Council; a representative from the Administrative Senate; two faculty members; and three student members recommended by SGA.  Additional university staff may be asked to serve upon the recommendation of the dean of students.

See 2017-18 members...

Joe Binkley
Soo Chung
David Enzler
Christine Hoehn
Kairon Markey
Jasmine Myers
Amy Price
Kathy Riedford
Carmen Stoen
Steve Bequette
Kevin Allton


Traffic Appeals Committee
Appointed by the president, the Traffic Appeals Committee reviews and resolves traffic appeals filed by faculty and staff.  The committee consists of the chair, a faculty representative, a representative of Administrative Senate, and a representative of Staff Council.  The chair is appointed by the president.

See 2021-22 members...

Chair        Mark Logel
Caroline Jalain
Sherry Tynes
Lance Woods

University Athletics Council
The University Athletics Council (UAC), appointed by the president, is charged with considering issues related to the oversight and development of intercollegiate athletics at the University of Southern Indiana.  The Council serves in an advisory capacity to the president, athletic director, and University administration.  The University Athletics Council shall consist of the chair, one faculty representative from each academic college, one faculty member appointed by the Faculty Senate, the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR), the director of Admissions (or appointee), the registrar (or appointee), the director of Student Financial Assistance (or appointee), one appointee from Business Office, one alumnus/alumna, one USI Varsity Club representative, and two student-athletes, one male and one female.  All of these appointees will be voting members. The chair of the Council will be appointed by the president.  Ex officio, non-voting members:  the director of Athletics (AD), the Senior Woman Administrator (SWA), the NCAA Compliance Coordinator, the past Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR), and the director of Development (or appointee).

See members...

University Core Curriculum Council
Chaired by the director of University Core Curriculum, the Council consists of an elected representative and alternate from each academic college, plus one additional elected representative and alternate from the College of Liberal Arts and the Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education who serve two-year staggered terms.  A student member and alternate will be selected each spring to one-year renewable terms by the associate provost for Academic Affairs upon nominations submitted by the Student Government Association.  The associate provost for Academic Affairs serves as an ex officio member.  The Council reviews proposals and approves practices regarding the University Core Curriculum.

See 2020-21 members... 

Chair Mary Hallock Morris
Tamara Hunt
Mark Creager
Maryann Shifflet
Brandon Field
Jody Delp
At Large Manuel Apodaca Valdez Lindsay Greer
Ex Officio Mary Hallock Morris Shelly Blunt
Greg Johnson Angel Nelson

Volunteer Advisory Council
The Volunteer Advisory Council oversees and assists the Volunteer USI program.  The members of this council create new or improved recognition ideas, program promotion, and volunteer recruitment and retention.  The council meets four times per year.  Council members are nominated by existing members and elected at the annual meeting in June.

See members...

Wellness Committee
The Wellness Committee, appointed by the president, serves as an advisory committee to the director of Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness (co-chair) and the director of Human Resources (co-chair), recommending University programs, initiatives, and events to support student and employee wellness.  Additional committee members include the benefits manager; program coordinator of Recreation, Fitness, and Wellness; a faculty member from the College of Health Professions with a wellness-related specialization; and a minimum of five other members including one additional faculty member, one administrator, one support staff member, and two students.  The administrator is recommended by the Administrative Senate.  The support staff member is recommended by the Staff Council.  Student representatives are recommended by the Student Government Association for a one-year term.  Other members are appointed by the president.  Non-student members serve staggered three-year terms.

See 2017-18 members...

Co-Chair        David Enzler
Nick Bebout
Gloria Butz
Sandra Davis
Amy Miller
Abby Schoenstein
Holly Schoenstein


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