University of Southern Indiana

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research
All persons conducting research involving human subjects have an ethical, as well as professional, obligation to ensure the safety, protection, and rights of participants.

The USI Institutional Review Board, or IRB, is a standing university committee established under federal regulations to protect the rights and welfare of all human subjects who volunteer to participate in research studies conducted by USI-affiliated personnel (faculty, staff, and students). The IRB is responsible for reviewing all proposed research studies and related activities involving human subjects. 

All investigators, even those exclusively using existing or secondary data, must complete an application, submit it for review, and receive approval before any research procedures can begin. Existing or secondary data that has already been collected for either research or non-research purposes can be used, but is subject to the regulations in 45 CFR 46

The IRB is additionally responsible for determining any violation of research activities, risk to human subjects, and compliance with federal regulations. 

IRB Quick Links
Have questions about the IRB?
See the most recent IRB By-laws.

Preparing to submit an application to the IRB for review? Have questions about the submission, review, and/or approval process?
Check out our IRB Submission Tips and FAQs Page!

Need to know where and how to submit your application for review?
All applications should be submitted through IRBNet. See the IRBNet User Manual for step-by-step instructions for the entire submission and approval process.


**As of August 1, 2012, all IRB projects must be submitted for review using IRBNet.**
The Office of Sponsored Projects and Research Administration will no longer accept paper applications or applications emailed to our office.

Thanks to our 2021-2022 IRB Members for their service!
This year the IRB received 149 exempt applications, 44 expedited applications, and 13 limited applications for a total of 206 applications. IRB members conducted 144 exempt reviews79 expedited reviews, and 12 limited reviews for a total of 235 completed reviews

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