University of Southern Indiana

Research Policies

Definition of Human Subjects Research

Defines the terms 'human subjects' and 'research' to help determine if a study requires IRB review.

Conflict of Interest

This excerpt from the USI Code of Ethics Handbook defines the scope of requirements, procedures to be followed, and other conflict of interest topics.

Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Form

Effort Certification

This effort assures sponsors that funds are properly expended for the salaries and wages of employees working on sponsored projects; applies when all or a portion of an employee's effort is expended on any federal, state, local, or privately sponsored agreement.

Facilities and Administrative (F&A)

Guidelines for F&A costs that must be included in the budgets of proposals for grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, and subrecipient agreements when allowable.

Faculty Workload Assignment

Breaks down effort categories to help faculty members appropriately document workload effort.

Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure

States the Significant Financial Interest Disclosure Policy and correct procedures. Includes Significant Financial Interest Determination and Disclosure forms.

Intellectual Property

USI's complete Intellectual Property Policy as approved by the USI Board of Trustees.

Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research

Defines responsibilities of the IRB committee and new procedures the principal investigator must take for IRB review. 

Lab Safety and Research

This manual written by the Office of Risk Management and Safety covers all environment, health and safety, and insurance topics.

Research Misconduct

States the Research Misconduct Policy and correct procedures for reporting and handling research misconduct.  

USI University Handbook

The USI University Handbook includes practices, policies, rules, regulations, and procedures which are of importance and general interest to the USI faculty and staff members.

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