University of Southern Indiana

USI @ WestGate: Technical Writing Fundamentals

The Technical Writing Fundamentals course is designed for those whose jobs involve developing technical documents, such as standard operating procedures, protocols, data analysis reports, proposals, white papers and research papers. Participants will be equipped with the essential skills needed to write clear, concise and correct technical documents to address their readers’ needs.

Participants will learn how to collect information and then select the correct format for delivery based on the topic and the communication goal. Participants will learn how to explain complex information to engage their readers and with less chance of miscommunication. Program will also focus on how to structure a white paper to present the information in a linear and logical manner that makes readers want to read the document from start to finish.

Location: WestGate Academy, Room 1st floor - Quad 4, 13598 E. WestGate Drive Odon, IN 47562

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Contact Paula Nurrenbern, manager, customized solutions at 812-461-5425 or, for a needs assessment to see how our programs can meet the training needs of your company or organization.  

Contact Bill Groves


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