University of Southern Indiana
Human resources professional talking with others

Human Resources for the non-HR Manager Certificate

Employees are often promoted into management roles with little training in human resources, yet managing people is a primary responsibility on which their success depends. If managers do not understand employment laws and concepts such as ADAAA, FCRA, implied contract, BFOQ, protected class, FLSA, or discrimination, they may be unintentionally placing their employers at risk. In this course, managers will learn about federal and state employment laws as well as the importance of implementing effective HR practices from employee hiring through separation. Special emphasis will be given to the importance of maintaining a harassment-free, discrimination-free workplace.

This course addresses the following soft skills: leadership, communication, being a team player, and resolving conflict.

This course provides 6 professional development credits (PDCs) for SHRM recertification. Documentation will be provided at the completion of the course. 

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  • What other Lifelong Learners say about this course:

    “The Human Resources for the non-HR Manager was a really good course for anyone who supervises people. The instructor did a nice job of putting situations into perspective and provided information in terms everyone can comprehend. I would recommend the course to anyone looking for HR knowledge.”

    Vicki Peay
    Technical Training Supervisor
    Vectren Power Supply

  • What other Lifelong Learners say about this course:

    “The certificate in Human Resources for the Non-HR Manager course provided through USI was a very insightful class that provided great information in a one-day session. The instructor’s knowledge provided a lot of day to day HR challenges that most non-HR managers would deem helpful. I would highly recommend this course to any professional looking to broaden their knowledge in HR.”

    Kimberly A. Wade
    Operations Manager
    Sterling United Federal Credit Union

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