University of Southern Indiana
Man talking on phone at computer, customer service

Customer Service Excellence Certificate

NEW - Customer Service is not a department. It is a philosophy to be embraced by every employee, from the CEO to the most recently hired. The average company loses up to half of its customers every year due to poor customer service, equating to $75 billion in annual losses. Having well trained and skilled employees who can handle a variety of situations while reflecting a positive image for the company are a true asset. Poor employee behavior or employees who lack customer service skills can damage a company’s reputation.

This course teaches staff how to provide excellent customer service and professional behavior through the following topics:

Customer Support Skills Training: Participants will learn the importance of good communication skills; what shapes our communication and details about their own communication style.  They will also learn the characteristics of effective communication in the workplace and how to build relationships with customers and co-workers as well as common customer service basics and telephone skills.

Corporate Behavior and Customer Service Standards: Participants will learn the science behind behavior, the benefits of good corporate behavior standards and understanding their role in meeting corporate goals.  In addition, the participants will learn the importance of excellent customer service standards and how they relate to customers and companies.

Dealing with Difficult Situations: Participants will learn the impact their behavior can have on others, specifically during difficult situations with customers and co-workers. They will learn the importance of getting the upset customer and coworker to share their dissatisfaction and steps to turn the dissatisfied customer into a satisfied, loyal customer.  In addition, they will learn a set of tips in dealing with the stress of dealing with difficult situations.

This course addresses the following soft skills: communication, leadership, problem solving, decision making, resolving conflict, confidence, being a team player, planning, organizing and prioritizing, creative thinking, and accepting feedback.

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