You must have iOS 11.x or greater to use the built-in iOS Mail app. Otherwise you must use the Outlook APP.
- Select "Passwords & Accounts"
- If you already have your USI account listed, select it, and then select "Delete Account", then select "Delete Account" on the popup that appears.
- Go to "Add Account"
- Choose "Microsoft Exchange"
- Enter your email address, plus a description (the description can be anything you want)
- On the popup that appears, choose "Sign In"
- The normal page will come up, enter your username and password, then click Sign In
- You will see another page that says "Are you trying to sign in to Apple Internet Accounts?" - click "Continue"
- Next, you can choose if you want to see Mail/Contact/Calendars/Reminders/Notes from your USI account. Choose whichever you want to sync with your USI account, then click Save at the top right corner of the page.