University of Southern Indiana
Synapse title with HP Center in background

Summer 2020

Summer 2020 Issue

Message from the Dean
Because of COVID-19, working from home, all-online education and video conference calls have replaced our “normal” way of doing business. Our college magazine has also had to evolve quickly to be connected to you.


Answering the Call: COVID-19 Response
CNHP steps up as local hospitals need supplies and ventilators ... plus a faculty member on the front lines of patient care during the pandemic.


sewing machineFull Hearts and Sewing Machines
During a time of stress, members of the our College of Nursing and Health Professions family reach out to help others in our community.


Screagles Fly Together
Hear CNHP faculty messages to their students during this trying time.


practicing positioning

Learning X-ray at Home is Rad
Using a flashlight to demonstrate X-ray techniques.

Reflection on Physician's Addiction Journey

IPE Collaboration During COVID-19

Food and Nutrition Instructors Dish Out Creativity
Online nutrition counseling is a hit with USI Softball Team


Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program Responds
CNHP HRSA grant project continues to maximize older adult patient and family engagement during the pandemic.


Here for You: Conferences and Certificate Programs
Many live events are cancelled, but online courses continue to meet continuing ed needs, including a free COVID-19 Independent Study. 


Dental Hygiene StudentSomething to Smile About
Senior dental hygiene student lands national grant to assist local shelter.



Mobilizing Nurses in the Community
Current RN-BSN student forms nursing task force to combat isolation during pandemic.



Crossing the FNP Finish Line
Life is a marathon, not a sprint for this student!





OT Special OlympicsOccupational Therapy Gets in the Game
A look back before social distancing when USI students made a big impact on Special Olympics event.


nursing award recipient picAlumni Help Make Healthy Communities for All
Nursing Alumni Award recipient, plus find out why one grad is living in his camper during the pandemic.



Tell Us Your Story!
A fulfilling journey, a life-changing experience, a successful outcome; those are the stories being written in the lives of USI alumni everyday. Share how USI has positively impacted your life by responding to the questions relevant to your story.

Alumni Update Form
Use our online form to update your contact information and other information with USI Alumni Association.


Helping Students During COVID-19
The College of Nursing and Health Professions’ vision is a simple but powerful one: Healthy communities for all. Especially now in the time of COVID-19, your gift can impact deserving students and help them accomplish their higher education goals, develop skills and become exceptional health professionals. Make a gift.

Contact Dr. Constance Swenty


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