University of Southern Indiana

Dismissal, Incomplete, and Modification of Plan of Study Policies

In addition to university policies, the following activities are grounds for dismissal from the Graduate Nursing Program.

  1. Falsification of records and reports including clinical documents, cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other assignment is basis for program dismissal.
  2. Academic honesty is an expected behavior of all students. Policies and procedures governing academic dishonesty can be found in the Student Rights and Responsibilities section of the University Bulletin. Cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other assignment will be a basis for dismissal from the program.
  3. Plagiarism, as defined in the University Bulletin, is the intentional reproduction of another person’s ideas, words, or statements without acknowledgment. Students must give credit when using the works of others and are expected to properly reference the use of: 1) direct quotes; 2) another person’s ideas or opinions; or 3) any borrowed statistics, facts, or other materials. Failure to properly give credit to others’ work is a form of academic dishonesty (University Bulletin, Student Rights and Responsibilities).
  4. The Faculty reserves the right to dismiss any student violate the Code of Ethics. Professional behavior is an expectation online, in the classroom, and in the clinical environments with faculty, patients. Unprofessionalism may result in formal disciplinary action.
  5. Violation of client and/or agency confidential information (HIPAA violation) may result in   
       dismissal from the program.
  6. Students considered by faculty to be unsafe practitioners or whose progress in meeting program objectives is judged unsatisfactory may be dismissed from the program.  This includes not demonstrating achievement of critical elements on clinical evaluations. 
  7. Violations of academic integrity includes social media:   If postings to social media sites are identified, an academic integrity violation will be charged.  

An "incomplete" will be used only in cases of true hardship when extenuating circumstances have resulted in the student's being unable to complete course requirements by the end of the semester.  All University policies regarding incomplete are applicable to nursing courses.  Refer to the USI Graduate Bulletin. 

In the rare instances in which an incomplete is assigned, the following policies are in effect:

1.  Incomplete will not be used to allow for remedial work; student work must be passing.

2.  If an incomplete is received in a clinical course, enrollment in the next clinical course is dependent upon faculty evaluation of the:                   a.    status of incomplete course assignments; and
             b.    student status in the graduate nursing program
             c.    progression will not be allowed until the pre-requisite course requirements are successfully completed.
             d.    if a student is completing a course with an adjunct faculty as lead instructor, the program chair must review the reason
                    for the incomplete grade assignment and agree to the incomplete grade assignment.  For courses taught by an adjunct
                    faculty, subsequent course work will be graded by the program chair.
            e.    students will be notified in writing of the change in faculty to the graduate program chair.           

3.  The student must meet with her/his advisor to reassess course of study.


Students experiencing personal or academic difficulties may request a modification of their scheduled course of study. The student is to contact their academic advisor to discuss this option. Progression into the next nursing courses will be permitted on space available basis and faculty approval.  Readmission policies apply as outlined under “Progression Policies.”  

If a student misses either fall or spring semester of course work, a formal reapplication to
the BSN to DNP program is required to be submitted the CNHP BSN to DNP Program.  

If a student is out of coursework for two semesters or longer, formal reapplication to both the BSN to DNP program and the USI Office of Graduate Studies is required.    

Application for readmission is required if sitting out for one 16-week semester or longer.  The application is found in Appendix C.

Contact Dr. Jennifer Evans


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