University of Southern Indiana

Attendance and Absence Policies

Prompt attendance and preparation for classroom, scheduled learning lab, and clinical experiences are required.  Attendance records will be maintained by the faculty. Faculty reserve the right to dismiss a student from clinical for tardiness, dress code violations, being unprepared, being physically or mentally compromised, or for any evidence of unprofessional conduct.

Planned absences for non-university related activities must be pre-approved by the BSN program chair  at least one month before the absence. Any assignments missed should be completed before the absence. If the student is absent for an exam, the exam should be taken within 24 hours of return. The student is responsible for making an appointment to meet with the program chair  to discuss the absence. If the absence is approved, the student must meet with each course faculty to plan make-up of missed assignments, clinical, and/or exams.

If a student will be absent for a university related activity, the university advisor will notify faculty. The student is responsible for communication with course faculty to develop a specific plan for make-up of missed assignments, clinical, and/or exams.  

In the event that the student must be absent from a seminar, skills lab or clinical, it is the student's responsibility to notify the faculty a minimum of two hours prior to the start of the seminar, skills lab or clinical day. The student must provide the following information:

  1. Student name.
  2. Reason for student's absence.
  3. Activity (class, learning lab, clinical experience, etc.) from which the student will be absent.
  4. Name of instructor who should be notified of the absence.
  5. Hospital/agency and clinical unit to which the student is assigned (if assigned to clinical that day.)

Tardiness and Absence
Professional behavior requires that students be present at the start time of class and to be prepared for clinical experience. Two times of tardiness in the clinical setting will constitute an absence and will require a four hour clinical make-up. 

Absences and tardiness jeopardize a student's ability to achieve the objectives of the course and are inconsistent with professional behavior. If problems are noted with class attendance or tardiness, the student will be counseled and issued a letter of warning.  A copy of the letter will be placed in the student's academic file in the College Office.  Excessive absences may affect progression in the nursing program and result in dismissal from the program.

Students are expected to prepare for clinical assignments. A student unprepared for a clinical assignment will be dismissed from the unit. A student dismissed from clinical for being unprepared will be required to make up the experience. Lack of preparation for clinical experiences may result in clinical failure.

Written assignments are essential to meeting course objectives and must be submitted to faculty by the announced date. If problems are noted with written assignments, the student will be counseled and issued a letter of warning. A copy of the letter will be placed in the student's academic file in the College Office.  Failure to submit written assignments on time may result in the student being given a "0" for the assignment.

Clinical Make-ups
The purpose of the policy for clinical make-up is to ensure consistency of clinical hours in all courses and to comply with state and national accreditation standards. Clinical experience will be defined but not limited to seminar, skills lab, simulation experience, and agency rotations.

Students must complete clinical make-up for each hour of clinical missed. If a student is late two times, the student will be required to do a four hour clinical make-up time. Clinical make-up experiences will be directed by course faculty.

Any clinical time missed by a student will be documented and recorded on the clinical evaluation. Missing more than 2 clinical days in a nursing course may constitute a clinical failure. Missing more than 6 clinical days in one academic year is grounds for dismissal from the program. Documentation regarding the clinical absences and submitted by a student will be reviewed by the course faculty and the Program Chair . A determination of student progression in the curriculum will be made based upon student and clinical faculty documentation.

Contact Dr. Ryan Butler


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