University of Southern Indiana

The faces behind Romain College's social media videos

Romain College Assistant Lab Coordinators Luke and Reeya

Ever wonder who is behind the scenes of all the great shout-outs and other videos on the Romain College’s social media? Meet seniors Reeya Vyas and Luke Wahl.

Reeya, a marketing major with a minor in graphic design, has been with the College’s Strategic Social Media Lab since it opened in 2017. Her focus is on content and strategy. As an assistant lab coordinator, she follows trends in social media and user behavior, schedules video shoots, and assists with filming in the studio and “going live” across campus.  She is also VP Membership of USI Speaking Eagles Toastmasters.

Luke is also an assistant lab coordinator. He is a computer science major minoring in graphic design. He focuses on shooting videos in the social media lab then editing them so that all aspects of the message come together into a video masterpiece! Luke, too, has been with the lab since it opened.

"Our students in the Romain College's Strategic Social Media Lab play an important role in improving the visibility of the Romain College of Business," said interim dean Dr. Brian McGuire. "We are certainly appreciative of their time and efforts in promoting the Romain College's events and numerous achievements."

The Strategic Social Media Lab, located on the third floor of the Business & Engineering Center, is a resource to promote the Romain College, its academics and education, faculty and student achievements, and campus events. It is a tool for student groups to promote their organizations and events, and a platform for faculty to present information about their research and areas of interest. Stop by their office in BEC3016 if you want to schedule time to create a video!

Published October 12, 2018

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