University of Southern Indiana

Program Objectives and Student Outcomes

Mission of the Management Program
The mission of the Management Program is to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities that are essential for success in management careers. Traditionally, managers set the goals of their organizations and decide how best to achieve them by allocating the necessary human, financial, physical, and information resources. Managers also coordinate work among members of the organization, provide leadership and motivation, and monitor progress toward achieving their organizations' goals. While the program focus is on the professional manager, much of what is learned in the classroom is applicable to students’ lives outside of work. Hence, the purpose of the Management Program is for students to learn how the combination of managing self and managing others translates into successfully managing organizations.

Program Objectives

  1. To develop student mastery of the essential content in the management domain
  2. To foster an awareness of self and the ability to utilize that awareness effectively
  3. To build students’ capabilities to enhance the development of others.
  4. To develop students’ capabilities for generating sustainable competitive advantages in organizations

Student Outcomes

  1. Apply essential content regarding managing self, others, and organizations
  2. Perform a self-analysis and improve knowledge and skills with a self-development profile
  3. Conduct a stakeholder analysis and formulate ethical business decisions
  4. Conduct a team assessment to facilitate teamwork and team performance
  5. Execute a project to achieve task and person-focused objectives
  6. Perform a strategic analysis appropriate to a variety of organizational environments
  7. Conduct an innovation analysis

Program Performance Criteria (Metrics)

Objective 1: Major Field Test

Objective 2: Stakeholder analyses and self- analysis surveys, such as DISC

Objective 3: Team assessment surveys

Objective 4: Innovation and strategic analyses

Student Outcomes in Management

Contact Dr. Abbas Foroughi


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