University of Southern Indiana

Faculty Research

Perry Burnett
Dr. Perry Burnett
Associate Professor of Economics
Contact: 812-465-7034
Business and Engineering Center 2063


Refereed Articles

  • Burnett, P. (2018). The transitional impacts of material and service offshoring. Journal of Policy Modeling.
  • Burnett, P. (2017). Estimating Quality of Life and Place with Location Theory: The McBucks Index. Social Indicators Research.
  • Burnett, P. (2016). Land Use Regulations and Regional Economic Development. Land Economics.
  • Burnett, P. (2016). Overpopulation, Optimal City Size and the Eciency of Urban Sprawl. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies.
  • Burnett, P., Shemroske, K., & Khayum, M. F. (2014). Disrupting Faculty Service: Using Technology to Increase Academic Service Productivity. Administrative Issues Journal, 4 (2).
  • Burnett, P. (2012). Industrial Composition and the Spatial Expansion of Cities. Land Economics, 88 (4), 764-781.
  • Burnett, P., Cutler, H., & Davies, S. (2012). Understanding the Unique Impacts of Economic Growth Variables. Journal of Regional Science, 52 (3), 451-468.
  • Burnett, P. (2012). Sector Land Use and Industrial Mix in Urban Land Allocation. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 24 (1-2), 35-50.
  • Burnett, P., Kuethe, T.H., & Price, C. (2011). Consumer Preference for Locally Grown Produce: An Analysis of Willingness-To-Pay and Geographic Scale. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 2 (1), 269-278.
  • Burnett, P. (2007). The Impact of Tourism for a Small City: A CGE Approach. Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Burnett, P. (2011). The Effects of Commercial and Residential Land Use Regulation. North American Regional Science Association International, Miami, Florida.
  • Burnett, P. (2010). Optimal City Size, Pecuniary Externalities and the Urban Industrial Mix. North American Regional Science Association International, Denver, Colorado.
  • Burnett, P. (2009). Sector Land Use and Optimal Industrial Mix in Urban Acreage Allocation Decisions. Southern Regional Science Association, Arlington, Virginia.
  • Burnett, P. (2008). Sector Land Use and Optimal Industrial Mix. North American Regional Science Association International,, New York, New York.
  • Burnett, P. (2008). Density and the Urban Industrial Mix. North American Regional Science Association International, New York, New York.
  • Burnett, P. (2007). Optimal Sector Growth of a Small Open City. Southern Regional Science Association, Charleston, South Carolina.

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers

  • Burnett, P. (2008). Density and the Urban Industrial Mix. Colorado State Department of Economics Seminar Series, Fort Collins, Colorado.
  • Burnett, P. (2007). The Effects of Sector Growth on Land Use, Density and Tax Revenue. Colorado State Department of Economics Seminar Series, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Other Research Activities
Applied or Integrative/application Scholarship

  • 2019: Burnett, P., Reviewer for Social Indicators Research Journal.
  • 2019: Burnett, P., Book Chapter - TIF Legislation in Indiana.
  • 2019: Burnett, P., Alcoa Economic Impact.

Refereed Articles

  • Quddus, M., & Bussing, M. (1998). Students' Study Tips: Help Others in Economics. College Teaching and Learning.
  • Quddus, M., & Bussing, M. (1997). Learning Techniques in Economics at the Principles Level. American Economist (The).
  • Bussing, M. (1992). Bank of New York's Hostile Battle for Irving Bank. Annual Advances in Business Cases.


  • Bussing, M. (2019). Starbucks: Corporations that Changed the World.
  • Bussing, M. (2015). Federal Reserve Chair: Janet Yellen.
  • Bussing, M. (2012). 100 Years of the Federal Reserve Anaphora Literary Press.
  • Bussing, M. (2012). Why SHould I Care About the Deficit-2nd edition (second ed.) Apress Publishing.
  • Bussing, M. (2011). Why Should I Care About the Deficit Apress.
  • Bussing, M. (2010). How Starbucks Changed the World JAICO Publishing House.
  • Bussing, M. (2009). Starbucks: Corporations that Changed the World Greenwood Publishing.
  • Bussing, M. (2007). Money for Minors: A Student's Guide to Economics. Wesport, CT: Greenwood Press.
  • Bussing, M. (2003). Influential Economists. Minneapolis: The Oliver Press, Inc..
  • Bussing, M. (2001). Profit from the Evening News. Naperville: Sourcebooks, Inc..
  • Bussing, M. (2001). The Young Zillionaire's Guide to Taxation and Government Spending. NY: The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc..


  • Bussing, M. (2010). What are the repercussions of the U.S. carrying such a large national debt?. ABC-CLIO Scholarly Contributor, Analyze Project Contributor to American Government online database. ABC-CLIO.

Other Research Activities
Applied or Integrative/application Scholarship

  • 2012: Bussing, M., U.S. Debt. Blog for Women's site on "U.S. Debt" for Evansville Law Firm, Bamberger, Oswald and Hahn

Refereed Articles

  • Yang, J., Cashel-Cord, P., & Kang, J. (in press, 2020). Empirical Research on Herding Effects: Case of Real Estate Markets. Journal of Accounting and Finance.
  • Heo, S., Yang, J., Lim, S., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (in press, 2019). The Effectiveness of a Predictor-corrector Technique in European Currency Option Valuation. Global Business & Finance Review, 24 (4), 1-7.
  • Heo, S., Cashel-Cordo, P., Rhim, J., & Kang, J. (2017). Pricing Accuracy of Put-Option Valuation Models: Directional Bias Due to Risk Free Interest Rates. Journal of Accounting and Finance.
  • Min, B. S., Cashel-Cordo, P., & RHIM, J. C. (2015). Corporate Leverage Strategy in an Emerging Market. Global Business & Finance Review, 20 (2), 35-48.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P., Heo, S., Rhim, J., & Kang, J. (2015). American Put Option Price Using Quadratic Approximations of the Fractional Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation. Journal of Accounting and Finance, 15 (8), 48-61.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P., Hackney, D., Friesner, D., & McPherson, M. (2013). Measuring the Financial Health of U.S. Bankruptcy Filers: An Application of Financial Epidemiology. Global Business & Finance Review, 18 (1), 48-62.
  • Kim, Y. H., Heo, S., Cashel-Cordo, P. S., & Jang, Y. S. (2008). Accuracy Tests of Put Valuation Models for Pharmaceutical Equity Options. Journal of Business and Economics Research, 6 (2), 41-52.
  • Friesner, D., Cashel-Cordo, P., & McPherson, M. (2007). Determinants of Demand for HIV Testing: Evidence from California Outpatient Clinics. California Journal of Health Promotion, 5 (4), 52-75.
  • Min, B. S., Rhim, J. C., Friesner, D., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2007). On the Behavior of Multinational Enterprises During the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis. Journal of Economic Development and Business Policy, 1, 52-89.
  • Friesner, D., Cashel-Cordo, P., & Rosenman, R. (2006). Do Public Health Policies Reduce the Spread of Infectious Diseases or Merely Induce Substitution? International Economics and Finance Journal, 1 (2), 125-155.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P., Mujumdar, S., & Mills, J. (2005). Is Export-Led Industrial Development a Viable Policy? Some Empirical Evidence. Global Business & Finance Review, 10 (1), 1-14.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P., & Friesner, D. (2004). Marital Infidelity and Gender Inequality in the Presence of HIV/AIDS: A Game Theoretic Model. Journal of Business Economics Research, 5 (1 & 2), 1-10.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P., Rhim, J., & Ryu, T. (1997). Adjustment to the Optimal Investment Level: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, 58-65.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P. (1997). Donor Preferences and Recipient Fiscal Behavior: A Simultaneous Analysis of Foreign Aid. Economic Inquiry.

Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper

  • Friesner, D., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2006). Do California Outpatient Clinics Meet their Community's Demand for HIV Testing? Academy of Business Economics.
  • Friesner, D., Mujumdar, S., & Cashel-Cordo, P. S. (2005). Money Well Spent? An Empirical Examination of Government Expenditure for HIV/AIDS Treatment in South Africa. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Rhim, J., Cashel-Cordo, P., & Khayum, M. (2005). The Relationship Between R & D Expenditures and Firm Performance. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P., & Friesner, D. (2004). A Game Theoretic Model of Marital Infidelity and Divorce in the Presence of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Implications for Social and Welfare Public Policy. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Cashel-Cordo, P., Friesner, D., & Mujumdar, S. (2003). Livability Changes in Indiana Communities: Something to Flaunt or Fear? Midwest Business Economic Association, 139-152.

Non-Refereed Articles

  • Cashel-Cordo, P., Friesner, D., & Mujumdar, S. (2005). Rankings Provide Insight to Businesses. Evansville Business Journal.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Cashel-Cordo, P. & Rhim, J. (2015). Managerial Behavior of Multinational Corporations around Global Financial Crisis. World Conference on Business and Management 2015, Seoul, Republic of Korea.


  • Heo, S., Cashel-Cordo, P., & Rhim, J. (2016). A Study of Pricing Bias in Fractional Black-Scholes Quadratic Approximations Model with Respect to Interest Rates. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Rhim, J., Heo, S., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2006, February). An Estimation of Early Exercise Premium for Pharmaceutical American Put Option. American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Las Vegas, Nevada.


  • Heo, S. W., Rhim, J. C., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2018). The Effectiveness of a Predictor-Corrector Technique in European Currency Option Valuations. Pan-Pacific Business Association, Seoul, Republic of Korea.
  • Heo, S. W., Rhim, J. C., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2014). Valuation of European Style Options Traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Using Fractional Black-Scholes with Various Estimates of Hurst Parameters. Pan-Pacific Business Association, Sakai City, Japan.
  • Min, B., Rhim, J., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2012). A Study on the Corporate Governance Reform in Korea. Pan-Pacific Conference XXIX, Haikou, China.


  • Friesner, D., McPherson, M., Hackney, D., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2012). Measuring the Financial Health of U.S. Bankruptcy Filers: An Application of Financial Epidemiology. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Heo, S., Rhim, J., & Cashel-Cordo, P. (2012). An Estimation of Early Exercise Premium on American Put Options: Quadratic Approximation of Fractional Black-Scholes Partial Differential Equation. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Other Research Activities
Applied or Integrative/application Scholarship

  • 2005: , ., . Rankings Provide Insight to Businesses, with Daniel Friesner and Sudesh Mujumdar, Evansville Business Journal, January 2005
  • 2003: , ., . Abridged version of Livability in Indiana Communities: Something to Flaunt or Fear?, with Daniel Friesner and Sudesh Mujumdar, USI School of Business Reports, Summer 2003

Refereed Articles

  • Celuch, K., Bourdeau, B., Khayum, M. F., & Townsend, L. (2017). The Role of the University in Accelerated Learning and Innovation as a Regional Ecosystem Integrator. Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 10 (1), 34-47.
  • Burnett, P., Shemroske, K., & Khayum, M. F. (2014). Disrupting Faculty Service: Using Technology to Increase Academic Service Productivity. Administrative Issues Journal, 4 (2).
  • Schibik, T., Friesner, D., & Khayum, M. (2013). Characteristics of the Information Content in Business Sentiment Surveys. American Journal of Business.
  • Schibik, T., Khayum, M., & Friesner, D. (2012). The Quantity of Unique Information in Student Ratings. Atlantic Economic Journal, 40 (2), 221-223.
  • Milewicz, C., Mujumdar, S., & Khayum, M. (2012). A Qualitative Examination of University 'Engagement' through the Lens of Business Executives. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 2 (3), 1-6.
  • Freisner, D., McPherson, M., Barnes, C. H., & Khayum, M. F. (2008). Does Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Reduce a Firm's Competitive Advantage? Journal of Leadership, Management and Organizational Studies, 2 (1), 1-18.
  • Khayum, M. F., Valentine, G. P., & Friesner, D. (2006). A Response of High School Teachers to the Adoption of State Economic Standards. Journal of Economics & Economic Education Research (The), 7 (2), 47-72.
  • Valentine, G., & Khayum, M. (2005). Financial Literacy Skills of Urban and Rural High School Students: A Case Study. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, XLVII (1), 1-10.
  • Khayum, M., Rhim, J. C., & Ramaya, K. (2003). Contagion Effects of the Asian Financial Crisis: Regional or Global in Scope. Global Business & Finance Review, 8 (1), 1-18.
  • Khayum, M. F., Rhim, J. C., & Schibik, T. J. (2003). The Application of Cointegration to Advertising and Sales. Journal of Business Economics Research, 4 (1 & 2), 98-107.
  • Khayum, M. (2003). Do Reading Skills Courses Help Underprepared Readers Achieve Academic Success in College? Journal of College Reading and Learning, 170-196.
  • Khayum, M. F., Rhim, J., & Ryu, T. (2000). The Resolution of Agency Problems Through Shareholder Activism: Managerial Guidelines. Journal of Accounting and Finance Research, 7 (7), 16-26.
  • Khayum, M. (1999). Forecasting Performance of Exchange Rate Models: A Comparison of Error Size and Directional …. Global Business & Finance Review, 61-68.
  • Khayum, M. (1997). An Empirical Investigation of Put Option Pricing: A Specification Test of At-The-Money Option …. Journal of Financial and Strategic Decisions, 75-83.
  • Khayum, M. (1997). Deviations from PPP among Pacific Rim Countries: A Vector Autoregressive Analysis. Global Business & Finance Review, 43-50.
  • Khayum, M. (1997). Economic Development, Life-Cycle Consumption, and Planning Horizons. International Economic Journal.
  • Khayum, M. (1996). Causes of Deviations from Purchasing Power Parity. Multinational Business Review.
  • Khayum, M. (1996). Empirical Distributions of Foreign Exchange Rates Under the Floating Exchange Rate Regime. Global Business & Finance Review.
  • Rhim, J. (1995). A Specification Test of At-the-Money Option Implied Volatility Recovered from the Black-Scholes …. Kentucky Journal of Economics and Business.
  • Khayum, M. (1995). The Impact of Service Sector Growth on Intersectoral Linkages in the United States. Service Industries Journal (The).
  • Khayum, M. (1994). Composite Forecasts of Inflation: An Improvement in Forecasting Performance. Journal of Economics and Finance.
  • Khayum, M. (1994). Intertemporal Consumer Behavior in Developing Countries. Applied Economics.

Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper

  • Kelly, C., Khayum, M. F., & Price, C. (in press, 2013). Equipment Lease Financing: The Role of Community Banks. Federal Reserve/CSBS Community Banking Research Conference, St. Louis, Missouri: St. Louis Federal Reserve.
  • Rhim, J., Cashel-Cordo, P., & Khayum, M. (2005). The Relationship Between R & D Expenditures and Firm Performance. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Khayum, M. F., & Wilding, W. (2004). The Application of the Theory of Power Law Distributions to U.S. Wealth Accumulation. Midwest Economics Association, 166-171.
  • Khayum, M. F., & Friesner, D. (2004). Determinants of Business Sentiment. Midwest Economics Association, 149-165.
  • Khayum, M. F., Mujumdar, S., Schibik, T., & Friesner, D. (2004). Tuition Hikes and Student Performance. Midwest Economics Association, 44-51.
  • Khayum, M. F., Neufelder, D., Raisor, J., & Friesner, D. (2004). Identifying Latent Outcome Measures in Inpatient Physical Therapy. Midwest Economics Association, 93-107.
  • Khayum, M. F., Neufelder, D., Raisor, J., & Friesner, D. (2003). Using Quality Control Techniques to Measure Performance: A Case Study of a Midwestern Rehabilitation Institute. Midwest Economics Association, 50-79.
  • Khayum, M. F., Schibik, T., & Friesner, D. (2003). Fundamentals of Economics Courses: Fun Course or a Positive Learning Experience? Midwest Economics Association, 170-174.
  • Khayum, M. F., Ramaya, K., & Smith, F. (2003). Examining Value Creation in Technology Development Alliances. Midwest Economics Association, 114-120.
  • Khayum, M. F., & Peluchette, J. (2003). On Entrepreneurs' Risk Attitudes. Midwest Economics Association, 16-29.
  • Khayum, M. F., Rhim, J. C., & Ramaya, K. (2002). Understanding Market Correlations: The Relative Influence of Asian Stock Markets to Global Market Risk. Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 1058-1063.
  • Khayum, M. F., Cox, S., & Friesner, D. (2002). The Effectiveness of Using Economics to Aid Reading Skills Development: Some Empirical Evidence. Midwest Economics Association, 208-219.
  • Khayum, M. F., & Ramaya, K. (2002). Industry Comparison of the Propensity for Alliance Formation: An Examination of U.S. MNCs in Japan. Midwest Economics Association, 32-42.
  • Khayum, M. F., & Wilding, W. (2002). Changes in Wealth Distribution in the U.S 1992-1998: Implications for Risk Aversion. Midwest Economics Association, 119-126.
  • Khayum, M. F., Ramaya, K., & Rhim, J. (2001). Propensity of International Cooperative Agreement Adoptions by U. S. Manufacturing Multinationals: A Comparison between Single and Mixed Activities. Decision Sciences Institute Conference, 860-862.
  • Khayum, M. F., Ramaya, K., & Smith, F. (2001). An Empirical Analysis of the Formation of International Cooperative Arrangements by U.S. Multinationals. Southern Management Association, 140-142.

Non-Refereed Articles

  • Neufelder, D., Raisor, J., & Friesner, D. (2005). Benchmarking Patient Improvement in Physical Therapy with Data Envelopment Analysis. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 18 (6).

Invited Articles/Reviews

  • Khayum, M. F. (2009). The Future of Finance and Financial Economics. Global Business & Finance Review, 14 (1), 1-6.


  • Khayum, M. F. (2003). Contemporary Economic Issues in Developing Countries. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Khayum, M. (1997). Investor Response to Exchange Rate Volatility: The Role of Appropriate Forecast. World Business Congress, , .
  • Khayum, M. F., Price, C., & Kelly, C. (2015, March). Regulatory Compliance, Data Analytics, and Community Banking. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Khayum, M. F. & Wilding, W. (2001, March). Estimating Probabilities of Multi-Year Horizons for Common Stock with the Normal and Lognormal Distribution Functions. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Khayum, M. F. (2000, March). The IMF and Third World Development. Panel Discussion of the Role of the IMF and World Bank on Third World Development, at the MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Khayum, M. (1998). The Resolution of Agency Problems through Shareholder Activism. American Academy of Accounting and Finance, , .


  • Rhim, J., Heo, S., & Khayum, M. (2002, February). Valuation of Index Options: A Numerical Analysis of S&P 500 Index Call. Midwest Business Economic Association, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Khayum, M. F. (2001, March). How do Households Obtain and Use Financial Information? Evidence from the 1995 and 1998 Surveys of Consumer Finances. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Khayum, M. F., Kang, J., & Rhim, J. (2001, March). The Contributions of Asian Stock Markets to Global Market Risk Before and After the Asian Crisis. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Ramaya, K. & Khayum, M. F. (2001, March). Determinants of International Cooperative Arrangements Adopted by U.S. Multinationals. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Research Reports

  • 2016: Khayum, M. F., Tax Increment Financing in Indiana., submitted to IEDA.

Other Research Activities
Applied or Integrative/application Scholarship

  • 2014: Khayum, M. F., Evansville Forecast 2015. Provides forecasts and analysis of key economic indicators for 2015 in the Evansville metro. Stronger economic performance is projected in 2015 compared to actual performance in 2014.
  • 2012: Khayum, M. F., Evansville Forecast 2013. Provides forecasts for key economic indicators such as personal income, output, and employment for 2013 in the Evansville Metropolitan Statistical Area. In the aftermath of the 2007-2009 recession, the recovery of the Evansville metro economy appears to be as slow, fragile and filled with uncertainty as the national recovery.
  • 2011: Khayum, M. F., Evansville Forecast 2012.
  • 2010: , ., . Provides forecasts for key economic indicators such as personal income, output, and employment for 2011 in the Evansville Metropolitan Statistical Area. In the aftermath of the 2007-2009 recession, the recovery of the Evansville metro economy appears to be as slow, fragile and filled with uncertainty as the national recovery.
  • 2009: , ., . Analysis of economic performance and projections of future economic performance for the Evansville Metropolitan Statistical Area.
  • 2008: Khayum, M. F., Evansville Forecast 2009.

Refereed Articles

  • Choe, S. T., & Mahoney, T. B. (in press, 2017). Another Side of North Korea: Business for Profit. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness, 12 (1).
  • Choe, S. T., & Mahoney, T. B. (2016). Understanding Students is the Key to Be a Good Professor. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 16(1) (7).
  • Choe, S. T., & Mahoney, T. B. (2013). Comparing the Learning Outcomes of Online and Classroom Formats in Teaching Marketing Courses: An Empirical Observation. Global Education Journal.
  • Shifflet, M., Chen, M., & Mahoney, T. (2009). Gender Differences in the Mutual Fund Industry. Journal of Financial and Economic Practice.

Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper

  • Shifflet, M., Williams, M., Chen, M., & Mahoney, T. (2009). Gender Differences in the Mutual Fund Industry. Academic Business World Conference.
  • Mahoney, T., & Schibik, T. (2004). A New Advising Model Using a Non-traditional Approach: Advising in a Changing Environment. Midwest Business Economic Association.

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers

  • Mahoney, T. B. (2009, October). Getting Students Involved - Assessing Their Development. National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), San Antonio, Texas.
  • Mahoney, T. B. (1998, March). Economics It's Not Just for Majors Anymore. Eastern Economic Association, Boston, Massachusetts.


  • Shifflet, M., Williams, M., & Mahoney, T. B. (2008, May). Gender Differences in the Mutual Fund Industry. Academic Business World Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.
  • Schibik, T. & Mahoney, T. (2008, April). Faculty Advising in a College of Business: Continuity Counts. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Mahoney, T. B. & Schibik, T. (2004, March). New Advising Model Using a Non-Traditional Approach: Advising in a Changing Environment. Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Mahoney, T. B. (2001, March). Strikes Are Out. Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Other Research Activities
Applied or Integrative/application Scholarship

  • 2015: Mahoney, T. B., Key to Be A Good Student. Follow up from article "Understanding Student is the Key to be a Good Professor"; focus on what are the elements of being a good student and what can close the divide between knowing the traits of a good student and incorporating them into a student's life

Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • 2016: Mahoney, T. B., Value of On-Line Courses versus In Class courses. Gathering data from students as to how they compare the level and extent of learniing they garner from an on-line course compared to an in-class.

Teaching and Learning Scholarship

  • 2014: Mahoney, T. B., Courses offered in-class and on-line - How do Learning Outcomes Differ? I will continue to work with Dr. Choe on his research focusing on different learning outcomes from courses taught in class and those course taken on-line.
Curtis Price
Dr. Curtis Price
Associate Professor of Economics
Contact: 812-461-5348
Business and Engineering Center 2037


Refereed Articles

  • Price, C. R., & Sheremeta, R. M. (2015). Endowment origin, demographic effects and individual preferences in contests. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.
  • Price, C. R. (2012). Gender, Competition and Managerial Decisions. Management Science, 58 (1), 114-122.
  • Price, C. (2012). Does the Gender Preference for Competition Affect Job Performance? Evidence from a Real Effort Experiment. Managerial and Decision Economics, 33, 531-536.
  • Mujumdar, S., Price, C. R., & Valentine, G. (2012). Has Anything Changed about the Teaching and the Teachers of High School Economics in 20 years? The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education.
  • Burnett, P., Kuethe, T. H., & Price, C. R. (2011). Consumer Preferences for Locally Grown Produce: An Analysis of Willingness-to-Pay and Geographic Scale. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
  • Price, C. R., & Sheremeta, R. M. (2011). Endowment Effects in Contests. Economics Letters.

Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper

  • Price, C. R., & Sheremeta, R. (2011). Endowment Effects - Welfare and Earnings. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Price, C. R. (2011). Do Students Perform Better in Lecture Courses or Online Courses? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Presentation of Refereed Papers
  • Price, C. R., Mujumdar, S., & Pate, J. (2017). Moral Elasticity - A Measurement of the Value of Ethics. Midwest Economics Association, Cincinnati, Ohio.
  • Price, C. R., Mujumdar, S., & Pate, J. (2016). Moral Elasticity: A Measurement of the Value of Ethics. Experimental Science Association, Tuscon, Arizona.
  • Price, C. R. & Mujumdar, S. (2015). Will (S)he Sabotage Me? Team-Dynamic Effects of Compensation Schemes. Experimental Science Association, Dallas, Texas.
  • Price, C., Kelly, C., & Khayum, M. (2014). The Viability of Equipment Financing in the Changing Community Banking Landscape. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Price, C. & Mujumdar, S. (2013). Moral Elasticity: A Measurement of the Value of Ethics. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Price, C. R. & Sheremeta, R. (2011). Endowment Effects - Welfare and Earnings. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Price, C. R. (2011). Do Students Perform Better in Lecture Courses or Online Courses? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Mujumdar, S. & Price, C. R. (2010). Will S(he) Sabotage Me? Experimental Evidence on Sabotage in Team-Production. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.


  • Price, C. R., Khayum, M., & Kelly, C. (2015). Regulatory compliance, Data Analytics, and Community Banking. Academy of Business Economics, USA, Illinois.
  • Khayum, M. F., Price, C., & Kelly, C. (2015, March). Regulatory Compliance, Data Analytics, and Community Banking. MBAA Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Price, C., Kelly, C., & Khayum, M. (2013). The Viability of Equipment Financing in the Changing Community Banking Landscape. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Chicago, Illinois.

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers

  • Price, C. R. & Mujumdar, S. (2014). Sabotage and Teamwork. College of Business Research Colloquium, Evansville, Indiana.
  • Price, C. R. & Sheremeta, R. M. (2010). Endowment Effects - Welfare and Earnings. College of Business Research Colloquium, Evansville, Indiana.
  • Price, C. R. (2010). Do Students Perform Better in Lecture Courses or Online Courses? Evidence from a Field Experiment. College of Business Research Colloquium, Evansville, Indiana.
  • Price, C. R. (2008, November). The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008. Invited presentation at Presented at Solarbron, Evansville, Indiana.


  • Price, C. R., Mujumdar, S., & Doleh, R. (2015). Sabotage in Teams. Invited presentation at Western Kentucky University - Economics Research Colloquium, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Research Grants

  • 2010: Price, C. R. USI Summer Research Fellowship - COMPETITION AND GENDER: WAGES, CONTESTS, AND AUCTIONS.
  • 2009: Price, C. R. College of Business Summer Research Grant - Changing Promotion Standards: Data from the NLSY.
  • 2007: Price, C. R. & Barron, J. M., The Use of Relative Compensation - Gender Differences, Principal Investigator, GOV-National Science Foundation (NSF).

Other Research Activities
Basic or Discovery Scholarship

  • 2011: , ., . Organize the COB research seminar.
  • 2010: , ., . Organize the College of Business research colloquium.
Timothy Schibik
Dr. Timothy Schibik
Professor of Economics
Assistant Dean of the Romain College of Business
Contact: 812-464-1880
Business and Engineering Center 1019


Refereed Articles

  • McPherson, M., Friesner, D., Schibik, T. J., & Brajcich, A. (2018). Identifying Peers in International Tax Competition. Applied Economics Letters, 25 (9), 584-587, doi: 10.1080/13504851.2017.1349280.
  • Mujumdar, S., Friesner, D., Schibik, T. J., & Harrington, C. (2016). Do Tuition Increases Lower Student Academic Performance. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 8 (3), 183-205.
  • Brajcich, A., Friesner, D., & Schibik, T. J. (2016). Do US Pharmaceutical Companies Strategically Shift Income to International Affiliates. Multinational Business Review, 24 (1), 8-24.
  • Schibik, T. J., Friesner, D., & Khayum, M. (2013). Characteristics of the Information Content in Business Sentiment Surveys. American Journal of Business, 28 (1), 19-37.
  • Harrington, C. F., & Schibik, T. J. (2013). An Econometric Approach to Optimizing Student Enrollment. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 13 (1), 45-55.
  • Schibik, T. J., Khayum, M., & Friesner, D. (2012). The Quantity of Unique Information in Student Ratings of Instruction. Atlantic Economic Journal, 40 (2), 221-223.
  • Black, G., Ard, D., Smith, J., & Schibik, T. (2010). The Impact of the Weibull Distribution on the Performance of the Single-factor ANOVA Model. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations.
  • Schibik, T. J., Harrington, C., & Gordon, S. (2007). The Faculty Search Process as a Component of New Faculty Orientation: Setting Performance Expectations for Faculty,. Department Chair: A Resource for Academic Administrators (The), 18 (Issue 2), 24-27.
  • Harrington, C., Gordon, S. A., & Schibik, T. J. (2004). Course Management System Utilization and Implications for Practice: A National Survey of Department Chairpersons. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 7 (4).
  • Harrington, C., & Schibik, T. J. (2004). Methods for Maximizing Student Engagement in the Introductory Business Statistics Course: A Review. Journal of American Academy of Business, 4 (1), 360-364.
  • Schibik, T., & Harrington, C. (2004). The Outsourcing of Classroom Instruction in Higher Education. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 26 (3), 393-400.
  • Harrington, C. F., Gordon, S. A., & Schibik, T. J. (2004). Infusing a Culture of Collaborative Faculty Development and Vitality within a Department. Department Chair: A Resource for Academic Administrators (The), 15 (1), 9-12.
  • Schibik, T. J., & Harrington, C. (2004). Caveat Emptor: Is there a Relationship Between Part-time Faculty Utilization and Student Learning Outcomes and Retention. Association for Institutional Research (91).
  • Harrington, C. F., Schibik, T. J., & Gordon, S. A. (2003). Student Evaluations Teaching: What Every Department Chairperson Should Know. National Issues in Higher Education, 53, 213-220.
  • Harrington, C., & Schibik, T. (2003). Reflexive Photography as an Alternative Method for the Study of the Freshman Year Experience. NASPA Journal, 41 (1), 23-40.
  • Khayum, M., Rhim, J. C., & Schibik, T. J. (2003). The Application of Cointegration to Advertising and Sales. Journal of Business Economics Research, 4 (1 & 2), 98-107.
  • Schibik, T. (1997). Candyconomy - FUNdamental Economic Concepts. Business Education Forum.
  • Schibik, T. (1996). A Study of the Sources of New Product Idea Generation: a Comparative Approach: The Case of Polish .. Journal of Business and Economic Perspectives.
  • Schibik, T. (1995). Inconsistencies in The Business Law Education of Accounting Students: A Survey of Accounting Educato. Journal of Accounting Education.
  • Schibik, T. (1994). Composite Forecasts of Inflation: An Improvement in Forecasting Performance. Journal of Economics and Finance.
  • Schibik, T. (1994). Regional Tourism Marketing: An Anological Approach to Organizational Framework Development. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 105-113.

Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper

  • Schibik, T. J. (2018). The Souvenir as Art: What Can Souvenir Retailers and Collectors Learn From Art Dealers and Collectors? EIRASS 2018 Maidera, Portugal.
  • Schibik, T. J., Brajcich, A., Friesner, D., & McPherson, M. (2017). International Tax Competition: An Empirical Examination of MNC Peer Selection. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Brajcich, A., Friesner, D., & Schibik, T. J. (2015). Do Pharmaceutical Companies Strategically Shift Income and Intellectual Property to Foreign Subsidiaries. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J., & Khayum, M. (2014). Optimizing Student Enrollment: An Empirical Examination. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J., & Friesner, D. (2010). If They Had It to do Over Again, Would Faculty in Professional Schools Still Choose an Academic Career? Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2008). 'Assurance of Learning and Faculty Evaluation and Rewards: Room for Alignment? Marketing Management Association.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2008). 'How Business and Marketing Faculty are Changing: Are Our Part-time Faculty Really Different? Atlantic Marketing Association, 24.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2008). 'Using Faculty Incentives to Motivate the Assurance of Student Learning,'. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2008). 'Regional Universities and the Entrepreneurship Imperative: Could this be Boyer's Fifth Domain? '. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2007). College Student Eagerness and Persistence to the Second Year. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J., Harrington, C., & Gordon, S. (2007). Using New Faculty Orientation Programming to Communicate Faculty Performance Expectations, . Academic Chairpersons Developmental Processes, 24.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2006). Do Tuition Hikes Lower Student Performance? Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2006). How Business Faculty are Changing. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2006). The Impact of Admissions Standards on Business Students. Academy of Business Economics.
  • Schibik, T. J., Gordon, S., & Harrington, C. (2005). Departmental Concerns with the Usage of Course Management Systems. Academic Chairpersons Developmental Processes.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2005). The Utilization of Course Management Systems in Business Schools: Some Recent Evidence. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Schibik, T. J. (2005). Utilization of Part-time Faculty in Business Schools: Are They Different? Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Schibik, T. (2004). Using the Self-Study as a Means for Faculty Revitalization and Renewal. The Higher Learning Commission, 10-13.
  • Mujumdar, S., Schibik, T., Friesner, D., & Khayum, M. (2004). Tuition Hikes and Student Performance. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Mahoney, T., & Schibik, T. (2004). A New Advising Model Using a Non-traditional Approach: Advising in a Changing Environment. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Harrington, C., & Schibik, T. (2004). Service Learning in the Introductory Statistics Course: A Primer for Engagement. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Schibik, T. (2003). Fundamentals of Economics Courses: Fun Course or a Positive Learning Experience? Midwest Business Economic Association, 170-174.
  • Schibik, T. (2002). The Outsourcing of Faculty Work in Higher Education. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Schibik, T. (2002). Facilitating Student Engagement in the Introductory Business Statistics Course. Midwest Business Economic Association, 220-225.
  • Schibik, T. (1999). The Undergraduate Statistics and Marketing Research Courses: A Codependency Relationship. Marketing Management Association, 85-91.
  • Schibik, T. (1999). A Gestalt Vacation Experience Satisfaction Model. Atlantic Marketing Association, 395-401.
  • Schibik, T. (1997). The Accuracy of Four Inflation Forecasting Methods under Diverse Inflationary Environments. Decision Sciences Institute.
  • Schibik, T. (1996). Patterns of Stock Market Reactions to Changes in the Federal Fund Rates. Decision Sciences Institute.
  • Schibik, T. (1996). Encouraging Faculty Participation in Student Learning Outcomes Assessment. Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Improvement.
  • Schibik, T. (1995). The Importance of Mathematics for Student Performance in the Principles of Economics: Results from T. tecon.
  • Schibik, T. (1995). Candyconomy: An Introduction to Economics. Eastern Business Education Association.
  • Schibik, T. (1995). The Application of Cointegration to Advertising and Sales. Midwest Business Economic Association.
  • Schibik, T. (1994). The Impact of Two Curricular Changes on Student Achievement in Economic Principles. Robert Morris-McGraw Hill Teaching Economics Conference.
  • Schibik, T. (1994). What Students Learn in Principles of Economics: Some Evidence from the TUCE3 Norming Data. Eastern Economic Association.
  • Schibik, T. (1993). Regional Tourism Marketing: An Analogical Approach to Organizational Framework Development. Society of Travel and Tourism Educators Conference, 160-170.
  • Schibik, T. (1993). Business Law Education of Accounting Students: A Survey of Business Law Professors. Decision Sciences Institute.
  • Schibik, T. (1992). New Directions for Innovative Polish Firms: The Need to Change to Remain Innovative. Academy of International Business Society.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Schibik, T. J. (2007, September). The Marketing of Golf: Who's Minding the Store. Atlantic Marketing Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Schibik, T. J. & Harrington, C. (2005). Connections between college student eagerness to participate in orientation programming and registration for first-year coursework and their persistence to the second year. Association for Institutional Research, San Diego, California.
  • Schibik, T. J., Piper, B., & Choe, S. (2003, October). Marketing to Combatant Countries. Atlantic Marketing Association, Portland, Maine.
  • Schibik, T. (2002). Organizational Reframing and Institutional Research: Implications for Practice. Tennessee Association for Institutional Research, , .


  • Schibik, T. J. & Harrington, C. (2003, April). Student Evaluation of Teaching: What Every Institutional Researcher Should Know. Indiana Association for Institutional Research, Nashville, Indiana.

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers

  • Schibik, T. J. & Harrington, C. (2004, May). Student Evaluation of Teaching: What Every Institutional Researcher Should Know. Invited presentation at Association for Institutional Research, Boston, Massachusetts.

Research Grants

  • 2008: Schibik, T. J. 'Expansion of the Evansville Factbook: Data Foundation for the 2008 Regional Economic Summit,', Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana.
  • 2007: Schibik, T. J. An Update and Expansion of the Evansville Factbook: Piloting Local Community Data Snapshots, Principal Investigator, University of Southern Indiana College of Business. Community-Based Faculty Engagement Fellowships for Summer 2007.
Daria Sevastianova
Dr. Daria Sevastianova
Associate Professor of Economics
Contact: 812-465-1677
Business and Engineering Center 3007


Refereed Articles

  • Polachek, S., & Sevastianova, D. (2010). Does conflict disrupt growth? Evidence of the relationship between political instability and national economic performance. Institute for the Study of Labor (4762).
  • Sevastianova, D., & Polachek, S. (2010). Does Conflict Reduce Growth? Evidence of the Relationship Between Political Instability and National Economic Performance. Journal of International Trade and Economic Development.
  • Valentine, G., Sauer, K., & Sevastianova, D. (2010). The Status of Post-secondary Personal Finance Courses. National Association of Business Teacher Educator's Review (The).
  • Sevastianova, D., & Polachek, S. (2009). Economic Effects of Conflict: Political Science Data in Empirical Growth Models. Global Business & Finance Review.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2009). Impact of War on Country per Capita GDP: A Descriptive Analysis. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy.

Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper

  • Sevastianova, D. P., & Polachek, S. W. (2008). Evidence on the Extent Sociopolitical Instability Decreases a Nation's Economic Performance. American Economic Association.

Compilation of Articles or Readings

  • Sevastianova, D. (2014). Economics of War.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Sevastianova, D. P. (2007, November). Does Conflict Disrupt Growth? Peace Science Society International North American Meeting, Columbia, South Carolina.


  • Valentine, G., Sauer, K., & Sevastianova, D. (2010, March). The Status of Post-secondary Personal Finance Courses. National Association of Teacher Educators in Business Education, San Diego, California.
  • Sevastianova, D. P. & Polachek, S. W. (2008, March). Does Conflict Disrupt Growth? Evidence on the Extent Political Instability Decreases a Nation's Economic Performance. 49th International Studies Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, California.
  • Sevastianova, D. P. & Polachek, S. W. (2008, January). Evidence on the Extent Sociopolitical Instability Decreases a Nation's Economic Performance. American Economic Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.


  • Sevastianova, D. & Polachek, S. (2010, March). Modeling Conflict: A Sensitivity Analysis. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Sevastianova, D. & Polachek, S. (2009). Does Conflict Disrupt Growth? Eastern Economic Association, New York, New York.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2009, November). Modeling Conflict in the Empirical Macroeconomic Framework: a Sensitivity Analysis. Southern Economic Journal, San Antonio, Texas.

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers

  • Sevastianova, D. (2012). Teaching Methods in International Business. Invited presentation at Faculty Development Committee, Columbia, South Carolina.


  • Sevastianova, D. (2017). Digital Tools in Principles of Economics Courses. Invited presentation at EconEd: Digital Tools in Principles of Economics Courses, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2017). The Challenges Facing Monetary and Fiscal Policy. University of Kentucky Economics Teaching Workshop, Lexington, Kentucky.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2015). 'Using Engaging Context in Principles of Macroeconomics'. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2013). Current Economic Environment as a Teaching Tool. Invited presentation at University of Kentucky Economics Teaching Workshop, Lexington, Kentucky.


  • Sevastianova, D. (2019). Art and Science of Teaching Economics. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2019, May). FRED in the macroeconomics classroom. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, P. (2018, April). Does Undergraduate Economics Promote Economic Thinking on Public Policy Issues? Invited presentation at Academy of Business Economics, Evansville, Indiana.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2017). Effective Instruction. Invited presentation at Federal Reserve of St. Louis Annual Professors Conference 2017, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2016, November). 14th Annual St Louis Fed Professors Conference. Invited presentation at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2016, March). St Louis Fed Roun Table Discussion. Invited presentation at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2014). Panel: Using Technology in the Classroom. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, D. (2012). Engaging students in principles of macroeconomics. Invited presentation at Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Sevastianova, D. P. & Polachek, S. W. (2008, April). Does Conflict Disrupt Growth? Evidence on the Extent Political Instability Decreases a Nation's Economic Performance. Academy of Business Economics, Chicago, Illinois.

Research Grants

  • 2008: Sevastianova, D. P. Excellence Through Engagement Summer Research Fellowship, Principal Investigator, Lilly Endowment, Inc.. This projects aims at providing a systematic comparative analysis of conflict events data conventionally used by economists and political scientists in the trade-conflict literature. 

Refereed Articles

  • Shifflet, M., Williams, M., Chen, M., & Mahoney, T. (2009). Gender Differences in the Mutual Fund Industry. Journal of Financial and Economic Practice, Fall, 35-44.

Refereed Proceedings
Full Paper

  • Shifflet, M. (2018). Improving Quality Improvement in Public Health. !2th International Conference on Healthcare Systems and Global Business Issues.
  • Shifflet, M., Williams, M., & Mahoney, T. (2008). Gender Differences in the Mutual Fund Industry. Academic Business World International Conference.


  • Shifflet, M., Martinez, C., Oppenlander, J., & Shmerling, S. (2019). Improving Healthcare Quality: Case Studies Using JMP.


  • Shifflet, M., Oppenlander, J., Shmerling, S., & Stephens, E. (2016). Improving Patient Satisfaction. Uncertain.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Shifflet, M. & Oppenlander, J. (2017, October). Developing Health Care Case Studies with JMP. JMP Discovery, St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Shifflet, M. & Stephens, E. (2017, October). Same Problem, Different Audience: Using JMP Dashboards to Identify and Communicate Opportunities for Reducing Length of Stay in Hospitals. JMP Discovery, St. Louis, Missouri.


  • Shifflet, M., Schibik, T., & Khayum, M. (2013, March). An Analytical Problem-Solving Approach to Teaching Business Statistics: Moving from Imitation to Thinking. Midwest Business Administration Association, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Shifflet, M. (2010, May). Teaching Business Statistics Online. International Conference on Learning and Admininstration in Higher Education, Nashville, Tennessee.

Presentation of Non-Refereed Papers

  • Shifflet, M. (2015, September). JMP Starting Statistical Thinking. JMP Discovery, San Diego, California.


  • Shifflet, M. (2018, January). Numbers are Scary. USI 2018 Teaching and Learning Symposium, Evansville, Indiana.

Research Grants

  • 2008: Shifflet, M. USI Summer Stipend for Research.

Other Research Activities
Teaching and Learning Scholarship

  • 2018: Shifflet, M., PhD Committees/ Consultation. Serve on one dissertation committee, cconsulted with 2 others.
  • 2017: Shifflet, M., Oppenlander, J., & Shmerling, S., Improving Patient Satisfaction. Case posted on website for use by practitioners and instructors using statistics and/or JMP in their work.

Contact Dr. Chad Milewicz


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