Undergraduate students at USI have a chance to participate in economics and management experiments which are both fun and rewarding. Experiments are designed by individual researchers to study behavior in a wide range of social and business situations. Cash earnings are paid at the end of each session, and your performance greatly affects these cash earnings.
Curtis R. Price and Roman M. Sheremeta, Endowment Origin, Demographic Effects and Individual Preferences in Contests, (2013), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
Curtis R. Price, Gender, Competition, and Managerial Decisions (2012), Management Science, 58(1), 114-122.
Curtis R. Price, Does the gender preference for competition affect job performance? Evidence from a real effort experiment (2012), Managerial and Decision Economics, 33, p.531-536.
Curtis R. Price and Roman M. Sheremeta, Endowment Effects in Contests (2011), Economics Letters, V.111(3), 217-219.
The Experimental Economics Laboratory is located on the first floor of the Business and Engineering Center in BE1001.