University of Southern Indiana

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly is SSS? 

Student Support Services (SSS) is a federal TRIO program that offers services to help participants succeed in college and graduate on a timely basis. The services include free tutoring, academic advising, career development assistance, and college success workshops and discussions.

Can everyone participate? 

No. SSS serves eligible students only. These include first-generation college students (neither parent graduated with a four-year degree) and income-eligible students (as determined by federal guidelines), as well as students with a documented disability that can be verified by the Counseling Center at USI”. 

Why should I become a participant?

SSS provides a personal college "safety net" from the freshman year through graduation. The program can help you build on your strengths and address your areas of concern. By becoming a participant, you will gain access to services and opportunities not available to other students on campus.

If I join SSS, what am I required to do?

SSS tends to have expectations rather than requirements. It is expected that you will be committed to earning your degree and that you will take advantage of SSS services that meet your academic needs. The SSS staff will make recommendations for you that we expect you to carefully consider.

Can SSS help with the transition to college life?

Yes, a special section of UNIV 101 that is designed to assist with the adjustment to college. SSS also makes the transition smoother by offering one-on-one advising and career counseling as well as workshops on managing your time efficiently, getting along with professors, financing your education, planning your four-year degree, and many other topics.

Is SSS just for freshmen and sophomores?

No. Once you become a participant in SSS, you are eligible to receive services until you graduate. Some SSS services are especially directed toward juniors and seniors, such as our graduate school preparation seminar, resume writing assistance, leadership development opportunities, etc.

Can students get financial aid through SSS?

Yes. Some first-year and second-year students may be eligible to receive a special grant through SSS. The program may offer a few scholarships. 

Should I work while I am in college? If so, how do I find a job? 

Whether you should seek employment will probably depend on your class schedule and the other commitments you have, such as extracurricular activities or family responsibilities. If you do work, we recommend no more than 10-15 hours per week. The SSS staff would be glad to meet with you to discuss the pros and cons of employment and how to locate positions on campus. 

I would like to meet more students like me. How can SSS help?

The SSS program will purchases tickets to a variety of campus activities that participants can attend together. Along with academic support, SSS will offer many opportunities for you to get to know other students whose experiences are similar to your own.

I feel stressed over one of my classes. What can I do? 

Generally, the first step is to speak with the professor for the course. Make sure you know where you stand in the course and what you need to do to reach the level of achievement you want. Perhaps rearranging your study schedule or location will help you retain the material better; maybe tutoring will help. Please see one of the SSS staff members to help develop a success strategy.

I have declared a major, but I am not sure it's right for me. Can SSS help?

Absolutely. SSS offers students supplemental academic advising as well as career counseling. SSS can help you to determine a program that best suits your interests, strengths and long-term plans, then help you to map out which courses you need and when to take them.

Contact Heather Bauer


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