University of Southern Indiana

SGA Committees

SGA utilizes a variety of committees to review and handle campus issues. Any USI student is eligible to become a member of the following committees. Please contact the committee chairperson if you are interested in joining a committee.

Academic Assembly

The Academic Assembly is concerned with the priorities of USI in providing a quality academic environment for students. It works with the faculty and administration on matters pertinent to academic affairs. if you are interested in being a part of this committee, contact

Environmental Protection

The Environmental Protection Committee is concerned with the protection of the environment on campus. It works with faculty and administration on matters pertinent to the protection and preservation of the environment. If you are interested in joining this committee, contact .

External Relations

External Relations Committee assists the AVP for External Relations in maintaining contact with other collegiate student governments, as well as stays up-to-date with legislation regarding higher education. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, contact

University Affairs

The University Affairs Committee is concerned with the preparation and execution of Alcohol Awareness Week and Crime and Safety Prevention Week. If you are interested in being a part of this committee, contact

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