Plant Index
Trail Map

A Guide to the Wildflowers
of Twin Swamps Nature Preserve

Red and Pink Flowers
including lavender and magenta

Flower photos
By season
By habitat
By color

Click on the pictures to see full-sized photos and more information.
For more help on finding flowers, please see
This Is How I've Arranged the Photos


Spotted jewelweed
Impatiens capensis

Smooth phlox
Phlox glaberrima 

Wild geranium
Geranium maculatum

Wild cranesbill
Geranium carolinianum

Smooth hedge nettle
Stachys tenuifolia

Phryma leptostachya

Smooth ruellia
Ruellia strepens

Indian tobacco
Lobelia inflata

Swamp rose
Rosa palustris

Prairie rose
Rosa setigera

Deptford pink
Dianthus armeria

Trumpet creeper
Campsis radicans

Pointed-leaf tick trefoil
Desmodium glutinosum

Panicled tick trefoil
Desmodium paniculatum

Late figwort
Scrophularia marilandica

Cardinal flower
Lobelia cardinalis

Mimulus alatus

Vernonia fasciculata

Mild water pepper
Polygonum hydropiperoides

Pennsylvania smartweed
Polygonum pennsylvanicum

Field thistle
Cirsium discolor

Swamp milkweed
Asclepias incarnata

Purple milkweed
Asclepias purpurascens

Eupatorium coelestinum

Plant Index
Trail Map