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This page provides a policy outline for Club Sports Travel. Presidents and members will find information about how to fill out a club travel request, and arrange for transportation, and lodging. University expectations are also outlined. Family members are not permitted on Club Sport sponsored trips.
How to fill out Club Travel Request:
1. Filling out a travel request is very important. This is our way of knowing some basic information regarding the trip your club wants to do. Here are a few of the items we need to know.
2. There is an online form to answer the questions above. TRAVEL REQUEST FORM
3. Travel requests are due 4 weeks prior to any due date of the event or 4 weeks prior to the date of the event.
4. In addition to the University requirements, all Club Sports must have an approved University Representative with the team for club functions off campus including competitions and practices. The University Representative can be the club’s coach, an advisor (faculty/staff) or a non-employee approved by the Program Coordinator and is registered with USI Volunteer Services.
5. When leaving on a trip, the club must leave as a team. No member may drive separately. If a club breaks this policy, the club will potentially lose travel privileges.
It is the university's expectation for all Club Sports to use a USI rental vehicle instead of a personal vehicle. Exceptions are rare, but can be requested in writing from the Program Coordinator.
The mode of transportation is to be specified on the Travel Authorization prior to approval.
Accidents or breakdowns leaving the traveler stranded are to be reported by telephone to the Physical Plant Office (812-464-1782). Accidents involving University vehicles are to be reported to the Office of Public Safety (812-464-1865), using the Driver's Report of Accident, and the Automobile Accident or Loss.
Notice forms available at the Physical Plant Office.
For all off-campus accidents, call the applicable Law Enforcement Agency. If the particular agency does not respond, obtain the following information from the other driver(s):
Lodging Policy
The University acknowledges that faculty and/or staff may be asked or may be required to travel on behalf of the University. When such travel occurs, the University offers a single occupancy room for the trip upon request. If a request for a single occupancy room is made, then it must be granted regardless of budgetary or other considerations, and without reprisals or retaliation for making such a request. However, if faculty and/or staff traveling on University business choose to share lodging accommodations, then they will be allowed to do so except in the following two situations:
Club Sports Addendum
No-Cost Lodging Provided to Traveler
If lodging is provided to a traveler at no cost, the traveler needs to provide the name, address and telephone number of the person providing the lodging, prior to departure to the Program Coordinator.
The traveler may not claim reimbursement for lodging when the lodging was provided by a person who is not in the business of providing lodging.
Advisor/Coach Responsibility During Travel
The Club Advisor or Club Coach has an important role on trips. This individual is the USI Staff representative and must conduct him/herself in an appropriate manner. The Coach of Conduct form that was signed to become an Advisor or Coach will also be used as an agreement for the Advisor/Coach to abide by all university policies on road trips. To see the rest of the University Policies, visit the following policy handbook.
Student Reimbursements
For a student to be reimbursed for travel expenses, please have copies of all receipts showing a zero balance, and then print out the student reimbursement worksheet. Fill out the form, and bring everything to the program coordinator at the RFW. Reimbursable expenses include transportation (gas and rental) and lodging (hotel room costs).
Bass Fishing
President: Hunter Carr hscarr@eagles.usi.edu
Men's Rugby
President: Ashton Forzley agforzley@eagles.usi.edu
Women's Rugby
President: Madison Rathsman mrrathsman@eagles.usi.edu
Men's Ultimate Frisbee
Captain: Connor Modglin crmodglin@eagles.usi.edu
Women's Ultimate Frisbee
President: Annie Sullivan amsullivan2@eagles.usi.edu
Program Coordinator, Intramural and Club Sports
Amy Ramras