University of Southern Indiana

Introduction to Egg Tempera

For centuries, egg tempera was the artists’ preferred medium for panel paintings, and many of the medieval and renaissance masterpieces you see in museums were executed in egg tempera. More durable than oil and with its glowing quality, water-based egg tempera offers many advantages to artists. Learn about this old and ever-new medium being embraced by artists today. In this class, you will first learn how to make your own paint using egg yolk and dry pigments. You will learn about brushes and other tools for applying the paint. You will practice using your egg tempera paint on small panels or watercolor paper and try different ways of applying the tempera. You will also learn how to transfer your image and begin to execute your painting. We will discuss glazing and scumbling, lettering, color choices, sealing a painting, gesso, and other topics as interests come up and time permits. Bring color images of what you may want to paint and any watercolor brushes you may have on hand. Smaller sizes will be most useful. Also bring cotton rags and two small cups, one for water and one for the egg emulsion. A ruler and pencil are always good to have on hand along with a notebook, and you might want to bring an apron. Pigments, eggs, brushes, palettes for in-class use, and supports (panel/paper) will be provided along with a variety of other supplies and references.


This course will be six sessions meeting Tuesday through Thursday over two weeks, two hours each session.

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