University of Southern Indiana
Pencil drawing of a female

Figure Drawing Workshop

This workshop is for anyone wanting experience rendering the human form. Participants will have the opportunity to draw from a nude model with guided instruction. You will learn how to lay out the basic structure of the figure in space and build upon that structure with light and shadow in graphite and/or charcoal. Poses will range from fast warm up gesture drawing and relax into a long pose. This is a relaxed environment and all ability levels welcome! Participants should bring at least a sketchbook and No. 2 pencil with eraser. Other suggested supplies to bring (but not required) include: sketchbooks; drawing pads; range of graphite pencils, 2B-4H (not mechanical); charcoal; charcoal pencils; pink eraser (hard eraser with an edge); kneaded eraser; chamois; tortillon (blending stump). Participants must be at least 18 years old.

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