New Experiences for Instructors of Dual Enrollment (NExIDE) Scholarship Program

About the Program

The purpose of the NExIDE Scholarship program is to provide financial support and incentives to eligible Indiana public high school mathematics teachers who teach or plan to teach dual credit mathematics. Based on expectations from the Higher Learning Commission, college faculty are required to have completed a master’s degree in their discipline or to have completed a master’s degree in another field with 18 hours of graduate credit in their discipline. This requirement includes dual credit teachers who teach college classes in the high school setting.

The program is funded through a STEM Teacher Recruitment Fund grant administered by the Indiana Commission for Higher Education.

Benefits of the Program

Participating teachers in the NExIDE program will receive two primary benefits:

  • Participating teachers will receive in-state tuition and fee support for up to 18 graduate credit hours in mathematics.
  • Participating teachers will receive up to $700 in travel support to attend a professional conference or workshop (e.g., the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics)

About the Classes

USI offers seven online graduate courses in mathematics that are designed specifically for secondary teachers. In general, only one course is typically offered each fall, spring and summer term. These classes include the following:

Graduate Courses in Mathematics
  • MATH 603: Fundamental Concepts of Algebra
  • MATH 604: Fundamental Concepts of Geometry
  • MATH 605: Problem Solving in Mathematics
  • MATH 611: Introduction to Analysis for Secondary Teachers
  • MATH 621: Technology for Teaching Mathematics
  • MATH 641: Number Theory & Applications
  • STAT 638: Fundamental Models in Statistical Inference

Pursuing a Master of Science in Education

For students who need to complete a full degree, USI offers a Master of Science in Education (MSE) in Mathematics Teaching. For individuals in this program, the NExIDE grant will support the 18 hours of coursework in mathematics. Completion of the entire degree requires 15 additional credit hours from the Department of Teacher Education.

How to Apply

Individuals interested in the program need to complete two applications:

For More Information

Contact Dr. Rick Hudson, NExIDE project director at 812-465-1241 or for additional information.


Dr. Tori Colson
Department Contact

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