University of Southern Indiana

Getting Connected

Orientation Leaders:
OLs are highly motivated, involved student leaders who assist new students and their families in making the transition to USI during orientation. You will interact with these students during Screaming Eagles Orientation and once you arrive on campus. Meet this year's team.

USI Social Media Groups
USI has "Class of" Facebook groups for each graduating year. In addition, we have a group for transfer students. Pick a "Class of" group corresponding to your anticipated graduation year and begin connecting with other USI students. If you are a transfer student, please also join the "USI Transfer Students" group. Information for new students to USI in Fall 2022 will be posted in the "Class of 2026" group and the "USI Transfer Students" group. Orientation Leaders will answer any questions you post as you make the transition to USI. 

Here are direct links for the "USI Class of 2026" and  "USI Transfer Students". Adult students can follow USI Center for Adult Learner Success. Parents and Families can join "USI Class of 2026 Parents & Families".

Instagram: @usiclassof2026

First Year @ USI Newsletter
The First Year @ USI Newsletter will build from your orientation experience and help you successfully transition to USI and is emailed monthly and at some times of the year weekly. Parents and Families will receive a copy of this newsletter.

Contact Orientation - New Student and Transitional Programs


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