University of Southern Indiana

Progression and Dismissal Policy



  1. Students must achieve a minimum grade of "C" in all nursing courses. In order to achieve a minimum course grade of "C" in a nursing course, a student must satisfactorily complete all course practice requirements including direct and indirect care activities. Students who do not satisfactorily complete course practice requirements will receive a letter grade of "F" in the course. 
  1. Students must retake a nursing course in which a grade of "D" or less grade is earned. If the repeated grade is acceptable ("C" or above) only the higher grade will be reflected in the student's GPA. If a grade of "D" or less is earned when repeating the course or in any subsequent nursing course, the student will be dismissed from the program and will not be eligible for readmission.

 Withdrawal Policy

Students may withdraw from a class with 100% refund through Friday of the first week of class at 4:30 pm. There will be no refund after that date.

 The option of withdrawing from a nursing course and receiving a grade of "W" is possible within the withdrawal period listed on the academic calendar each semester. For courses lasting less than the full semester, the option of withdrawing with a "W" is possible within the first 60% of the course. Refer to the course schedule and/or calendar for specific dates.

See University guidelines for the procedure that must be followed regarding withdrawal.

Students who do not follow the required University procedure to officially withdraw from a course will receive an "F" grade.

 It is the student’s responsibility to check with the financial aid office about implications for financial aid before dropping a course or changing enrollment.

 Students who withdraw from a class must immediately contact their academic advisor for a revised plan of study. Changes in plan of study may extend the length of program.

Dismissal Policies

Additional policies regarding dismissal:   

  1. Falsification of records and reports and cheating on an examination, quiz, or any other assignment will be a basis for dismissal from the program. 
  1. Plagiarism, as defined in the University Bulletin, is the intentional reproduction of another person’s ideas, words, or statements without acknowledgment. Students must give credit when using the works of others and are expected to properly reference the use of: 1) direct quotes; 2) another person’s ideas or opinions; or 3) any borrowed statistics, facts, or other materials. Failure to properly give credit to others’ work is a form of academic dishonesty (University Bulletin, Student Rights and Responsibilities). 
  1. Academic honesty is an expected behavior of all students. Academic dishonesty may include, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, and knowingly assisting others in an act of academic dishonesty. Students who engage in academic dishonesty in any form, even as a first offense, place themselves in jeopardy of receiving a failing grade for the assignment or course, as well as dismissal from the nursing program and University.  Policies and procedures governing academic dishonesty can be found in the Student Rights and Responsibilities section of the University Bulletin. 
  1. Violation of client and/or agency confidential information may result in dismissal from the program. 
  1. The Faculty reserves the right to dismiss any student whose personal integrity, health or behavior demonstrate unfitness to continue preparation for the profession of nursing and/or violate the Code of Ethics. 
  1. Students considered by Faculty to be unsafe practitioners or whose progress in meeting program objectives is judged unsatisfactory will be dismissed from the program. 

 Readmission Process

Students who fail a nursing course and desire readmission to the nursing program must submit a written request to the Admissions and Progression Committee immediately so action can be taken before start of the next term.The student should complete the Request for Readmission form and submit it to the Admissions and Progressions Committee. 

The written request must include: student name, USI student ID#, current address, telephone number, and email address. The written request should address reasons for delay in progression and plans for successful return to the program. click here for Request for Readmission Form

 Factors that will be evaluated in the readmission process include:  maintenance of a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher; course grades of “C” or higher as required in the Progression Policies; and, availability of space in the course.

 Readmitted students will be expected to comply with all terms specified by the Admissions and Progressions Committee.  Failure to comply with the terms will jeopardize the student’s status in the nursing program. Readmitted students may progress to the next scheduled class if the failed class is not a pre-requisite requirement. The advisor will adjust the plan of study so the failed course is repeated as soon as possible.

Policy Regarding Incomplete

An "incomplete" will be used only in cases of true hardship when extenuating circumstances have resulted in the student's being unable to complete course requirements by the end of the semester. An "incomplete" may be granted at the discretion of the faculty in consultation with the Program Chair or Assistant Dean of Nursing.

 In rare instances in which this occurs, the following policies are in effect: 

  1. All University policies regarding incomplete are applicable to nursing courses. Refer to the USI Bulletin.
  2. Students are allowed to continue to other nursing classes if the incomplete class is not a pre-requisite requirement or a clinical course (NURS 457, NURS 487, and NURS 492).
  3. The student should work with the course faculty and their academic advisor to adjust the plan of study to allow completion of course work.
  4. Students will work with course faculty to develop a timeline for incomplete work.  A contract will be signed by the student and the faculty with a copy being placed in the student file. 

Contact Dr. Charlotte Connerton


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