University of Southern Indiana

Course Descriptions

NURS 570 Special Topics in Nursing (1-3) Analysis and study of special topics in nursing and health care.

NURS 601 Roles for Advanced Nursing Practice (1) This course is designed to give an overview of the history, scope, and role development of the Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Educator and the Nurse Leader. Focus will be placed on how the evolution of these roles has influenced the development, transition, and implementatio0n of today’s advanced nursing practice. Professional competencies, educational requirements, and regulatory controls will be discussed.  Grade B or higher.

NURS 602 Evidenced Based Practice for Advanced Nursing (4) This course focuses on the application of research and evidence-based practice principles to advanced nursing practice. Using these principles and working individually or in small groups, students critically appraise and synthesize existing literature and design an evidence-based project. Scholarly writing skills will be emphasized.  Grade B or higher.


NURS 603 Theoretical Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice (3) This course will prepare participants to synthesize, integrate, and apply nursing theories and theories of related sciences for the promotion of intercultural awareness and interprofessional collaboration in advanced nursing practice to improve health outcomes.  Grade B or higher.


NURS 617 Advanced Concepts of Pathophysiology (3) The physiological grand pathological base for the advanced practice nurse to provide care to children and adults with acute and/or chronic illness. Examines theories and concepts relevant to pathophysiologic processes.  Prerequisite: N601, N602, N603, N604, N 605, N606, grade B or higher, or Co-Reqs N604. 


NURS 618 Advanced Health Assessment (3) Didactic instruction and clinical practice in physical assessment, developmental screening, history taking, nursing, and medical diagnosis. Teaching methods include lecture, independent study, laboratory, and clinical practice.  (Prerequisite: N622, grade B or higher, or Co-Req N605 or N606).

NURS 622 Clinical Pharmacology (3) This course is designed to provide the advanced practice nursing student with knowledge of pharmacological agents and herbal therapies used in the treatment of adults, adolescents, and young children. Emphasis is placed on indications, mechanisms of actions, prescriptive drug protocols, adverse reactions, and appropriate dosages. Through the use of variety of instructional methods, this course prepares students to design, implement, monitor, and alter effective patient pharmacological therapy.  Prerequisite: N617 grade B or higher, or Co-Reqs NURS 605 or NURS 606.


NURS 661 Psychopharmacology (2) The focus of this course is on integration of basic neuropharmacology, the effects of psychotropic medications prescribed in practice, and actions of these drugs in the treatment of mental health problems across the lifespan. Basic principles of neuropharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, dose-response relationships, and the roles of specific neurotransmitters will be included. Actions of various drugs and effects of those drugs on mood and behaviors will be included. Treatment resistance and noncompliance with psychopharmacologic agents will also be discussed. Prerequisite or Co requisite: NURS 618 grade B or higher.


NURS 745 Advanced Nursing Health Assessment and Intervention I Advanced practice management of clients with acute and/or chronic illness in a changing health care delivery system. Emphasis is on the synthesis of psychological, behavioral, social, and physiological theories in the therapeutic management of acute and/or chronic illness, including disease prevention and health promotion. Content is centered on the development of the role of the clinical nurse specialist in the dimensions of clinician, research, educator, consultant, collaborator, and manager. Clinical experiences utilize holistic, research-based nursing therapies to care for individuals, families, and aggregate populations within communities.  Prerequisite: N618, grade B or higher.


NURS 746 Advanced Assessment and Intervention II (5 hours) This course further explores the advanced practice management of complex patients with acute and /or chronic illness in a changing health care delivery system. Emphasis is on the synthesis of psychological, behavioral, social, and physiological theories in the therapeutic management of clients with acute and/ or chronic illness, including disease prevention and health promotion.  Content is centered on developing skills to influence the spheres of nursing and the health care systems. Prerequisite: NURS 745 grade B or higher.


NURS 747 Advanced Assessment and Intervention III (5 hours) The course facilitates the integration of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) role across all spheres of influence. Through the use of specialized practice and application of theoretical knowledge the students provided expert, holistic care to individuals and families while managing nursing and health care systems influences within a specific patient population. Prerequisite: NURS 746 grade B or higher.

NURS 754 Primary Care Nursing of Families I
(5 hours) Focus on the clinical management of the health/illness status of children, adults, and elders within a family framework. Includes theoretical concepts related to individual development and family function. The clinical focus is on the role of the nurse practitioner in primary care management including health promotion, illness prevention, assessment, treatments for acute and chronic illnesses, and education. Emphasizes role development, including interdependent and independent practices. Prerequisite: NURS 618 grade B or higher.


NURS 755 Primary Care Nursing of Families II (5) Continued expansion of clinical management of children, adults, and elders within a family framework. Includes theoretical concepts related to the management of families with acute or chronic health care crises. The clinical focus is on the role of the nurse practitioner in primary care management including health promotion, illness prevention, assessment, treatments for acute and chronic illnesses, and education. Emphasizes role development, including interdependent and independent practices. Prerequisite: NURS 754, grade B or higher.


NURS 756 Family Nurse Practitioner Practicum (5) Intensive clinical experience in the family nurse practitioner role. Select preceptorships are designed to maximize individual student learning needs and provide a comprehensive experience to develop expertise in caring for individuals and families. Prerequisite: NURS 755 grade B or higher.


NURS 762 Psychiatric Mental Health Care of Families I (5) The focus of this course is on theoretical and clinical management of the psychiatric/mental health needs of individuals across the lifespan within the context of a family-based theoretical model. The role of the family psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner as an independent and interdependent practitioner and performing comprehensive mental health assessments are primary clinical foci. Participation in mental health assessments, planning care for stabilization of mental health, strategies for mental health promotion, therapies, and mental health education are included in course content. Prerequisite: NURS 618 Prerequisite grade B or higher/Co-requisite: NURS 661


NURS 763 Psychiatric Mental Health Care of Families II (5) The focus of this course is on expansion of the management of psychiatric/mental health status of individuals across the life span within the context of a family-based theoretical model. Further role development is emphasized, including interdependent and independent practice. Theoretical concepts are related to management of individuals and families with acute and chronic mental health problems. Expanded participation in mental health assessments, planning care for stabilization of mental health, strategies for mental health promotion, therapies, and mental health education are included in course content. Prerequisite: NURS 661, 762. Grade B or higher.


NURS 764 Psychiatric Mental Health Care Practicum (5) This course involves an intensive clinical experience in the family psychiatric & mental health nurse practitioner (FMHNP) role. Preceptors will guide and direct the FMHNP students as they achieve greater independence and develop expertise in caring for families and individuals across the lifespan.  Prerequisite: NURS 763, grade B or higher.


NURS 774 Management of Acutely Ill Adults I (5) This course focuses on the management of adult clients who are acutely/critically ill or experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic health problem. The clinical focus is on the role of the acute care nurse practitioner working with a multidisciplinary team across settings to facilitate and accelerate the patient's return to optimal health. Prerequisite: NURS  618 grade B or higher.

NURS 775 Management of Acutely Ill Adults II (5) This course continues the focus on the management of adult clients who are acutely/critically ill or experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic health problem. The clinical focus is on the role of the acute care nurse practitioner working with a multidisciplinary team across settings to facilitate and accelerate the patient's return to optimal health. Prerequisite: NURS 774 grade B or higher.

NURS 776 Management of Acutely Ill Adults III (5) This course continues the focus on the management of adult clients who are acutely/critically ill or experiencing an exacerbation of a chronic health problem. The clinical focus is on the role of the acute care nurse practitioner working with a multidisciplinary team across settings to facilitate and accelerate the patient's return to optimal health. Prerequisite: NURS 775, grade B or higher. 


NURS 784 Primary Care of Adults and Elders I (5) NURS 684 focuses on the primary care health care needs of adults and elders. The clinical component focuses on the role of nurse practitioners in primary care settings including health promotion, illness prevention, physical assessment, management plans for acute and chronic illnesses, and patient education. Role development is emphasized including content from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Competencies.   Critical thinking and integration of previous BSN to DNP coursework is demonstrated through diagnosis and management of common chronic and acute illnesses seen in adults and elders. (Pre-req NURS 618, grade B or higher)


NURS 785 Primary Care of Adults and Elders II (5) NURS 685 focuses on the primary care health care needs of adults and elders. The clinical component continues to focus on the role of nurse practitioners in primary care settings and long term care settings including health promotion, illness prevention, physical assessment, management plans for acute and chronic illnesses, and patient education. Role development continues to be emphasized including content from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Competencies. Critical thinking and integration of previous BSN to DNP coursework, including NURS 684, is demonstrated through diagnosis and management of common chronic and acute illnesses seen in adults and elders.  (Pre-req NURS 784, grade B or higher)


NURS 786 Primary Care of Adults and Elders III (5) NURS 686 focuses on the primary care health care needs of adults and elders.  This course offers intensive clinical experience in the AG nurse practitioner primary care role. The clinical component focuses on the role of nurse practitioners in primary care settings including health promotion, illness prevention, physical assessment, management plans for acute and chronic illnesses, and patient education. Role development is continued to be emphasized using content from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Competencies.   Critical thinking and integration of previous BSN to DNP coursework, including NURS 784 and NURS 785 , is demonstrated through diagnosis and management of common chronic and acute illnesses seen in adults and elders.  (Pre-req NURS 785, grade B or higher)


N715 - Analytical Methods for Population-Based Care

This course will identify and analyze factors that affect the health of the population. The history and methods of epidemiology will be explored. Students will use Healthy People 2010 objectives and selected biostatistics to analyze current public health issues. Students use analytical methods and evidence based guidelines to critically appraise existing literature and epidemiological data. Students will determine and implement the best evidence for population-based health care as it applies to nursing practice, nursing education and nursing management and leadership.

N717 - Cultural Diversity

This course focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively interact with and serve culturally diverse populations. Topics related to age, race, ethnicity, gender, class, and disabilities will be emphasized. Concepts related to workforce diversity, health care belief systems, patient rights and management of health care appropriate to the patient population will also be explored. Culturally based assessment tools will be critiqued. Healthy People 2010 objectives will be used a framework to explore health care needs of the culturally diverse population.

N721 - Systems Leadership and Interprofessional Collaboration

Students engage in the exploration of leadership in nursing and health care organizations. Platforms for discussion include concepts of leadership, organizational theory, quality improvement methods, interprofessional collaboration, effective communication and change strategies. Students develop leadership knowledge and skills to initiate systems transformation.

N724 - Health Care Policy and Strategic Planning

This course prepares students to analyze and influence health policy environments. Students will analyze and collaborate in the revising health care organization strategic plans. Students will explore the impact of Healthy People 2010 objectives on health policy and strategic planning. Students learn to define policy problems; identify and critique potential solutions; and assess political and economic influences on health care policy. Students design interventions to influence policy making and implementation. Methods for evaluating policy and strategic plans will be explored.


N725 – Resource Utilization in Health Care

This course focuses on the complex variables that influence resource utilization in nursing and healthcare. The conceptual basis and methods of financial analysis and decision making as they pertain to the healthcare delivery systems are analyzed. Health care economics, marketing principles, human resource management, and the influence of Healthy People 2010 objectives that impact current healthcare environments are explored.

N727 - Healthcare Technology and Informatics

This course focuses on conceptual foundations for understanding health care informatics including the analysis of a variety of applications of information systems within the health care system. Elements addressed include: theoretical models of nursing informatics, healthcare computing, data management and information processing, data acquisition, nursing vocabularies and knowledge representation. Managing organizational change, information security, social and ethical issues in health care systems, and the effects of informatics on the practitioner and consumer are studied.


NURS 732 Wellness Promotion (2 cr) This course focuses on a holistic approach to wellness.  Healthy People 2020 is the foundation for exploring individual and population wellness.  Lifestyle choices throughout the lifespan are considered, as well as the genomic impact on health.  


NURS 733 Evidence Based Practice Seminar (2 cr) This course focuses on the application of best evidence to promote optimal population health outcomes.  The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials, Healthy People 2020, current evidence, and the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force guidelines are the frameworks for exploring the potential impact of advanced practice decisions at the systems level, as well as individual patient management plans. The student will develop a PICOT question and apply a theory to support their doctoral education.


NURS 734 Patient Management Clinical Application Seminar (2 cr) This course focuses on the application of best evidence to promote nursing practice at the highest level.  Students explore levels of evidence for optimal individual patient and population health outcomes.  Using public health as a foundation, students will begin to review and apply current evidence to optimize population health.  Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials, Healthy People 2020, current concepts in population health, and the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force guidelines are the frameworks for exploring the potential impact of advanced practice decisions.  


NURS 735 Applications in Population Health Seminar (1 cr) This course focuses on the application of principles of epidemiology and the social determinants of health. The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials, the CDC, methods of statistical analysis, and the World Health Organization will be used as frameworks for seminar discussions.    


NURS 736 Clinical Application of Pharmacotherapeutics (2 cr) This course focuses on the application of pharmacotherapeutics.  Students will consider evidence of efficacy for pharmaceutical products in order to make informed clinical decisions.  Current data regarding individual pharmaceutical classes and products will be used as a framework for course activities.     


NURS 737 Health Policy Application I Advanced Practice Nursing (1 cr) This course focuses on identification and review of current advanced practice nursing legislation, as well as historic legislation granting advanced nursing practice.  The course will integrate historical perspectives of APN legislation, and consider current regulatory policy.  Trends from multiple state boards of nursing and other regulating bodies influencing APN practice will be discussed.    


NURS 738 Quality Initiatives in Nursing (1 cr) This course focuses on identification of quality initiatives to improve patient outcomes.  Literature exploring successful quality initiatives in the past will be reviewed.  Quality strategies will be explored, including Lean™ strategies to improve health care delivery.  


NURS 741  Application of Assessment with Differential Diagnoses (1 cr) This course focuses on identification of a primary diagnosis based on patient assessment findings.  Subjective and objective data from case studies will be used to foster discussion.  Differential diagnoses will be introduced, and students will practice prioritizing differentials based upon statistical reasoning.  Risk factors will be considered for illness, including genetics, lifestyle, and occupation.  National competencies from APN specialties will be considered to support student outcomes. 


 NURS 772 Strategies for Patient Teaching  (4) This course focuses on the assessment of learning needs and the development and implementation of a teaching project in the healthcare setting.  Theoretical foundations for teaching and learning, recognition of learning needs, and appropriate teaching strategies for the healthcare setting will be addressed. The class and clinical expectation is the advanced practice nursing student will create a teaching project, apply teaching techniques, and implement the project in a healthcare setting.

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