University of Southern Indiana

General Policies

All students and faculty are expected to abide by the policies found in the CNHP Handbook.  The handbook is located on the CNHP website listed under “About the College.”

College Offices
The offices of the Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Professions, the Associate Dean, Program Chair, and Faculty are located on the second floor of the USI Health Professions Center. In locating a specific office, inquire at the Receptionist's Desk or consult the directory board located outside of Room 2068.

Name/Address Change
Changes in local and/or permanent addresses, telephone number, and change in name are to be reported immediately to both the University Registrar's Office and the Nursing Programs.  A Change of Name form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office.

Technology Requirements
To participate in required course work, you will need access to a computer, the Internet, and your e-mail account.

While many students enjoy the convenience of doing their course work on their own home computer, computer access is available on campus for students. On the USI campus, Internet and e-mail access is available in all computer clusters, the University Library, and the CNHP Day Learning Resource Center. 

Specific information regarding operating systems and software can be accessed through the USI distance education’s website:

Students with computers that are more than 5 years old should consider purchasing a new computer. Contact Beth Thompson, or Micheal Fetscher for assistance.

Your USI Email Address
The USI Computer Center assigns a free e-mail account to every newly enrolled student which is maintained throughout your time as a student. If you have any questions about your USI e-mail, contact the Computer Center Help Desk at 812-465-1080.

Avoid forwarding email to a different account: It is possible to have the email forwarded but there is a very real risk that an email will not go through or get blocked and you will miss important information. It will be important that you have established an e-mail account before your first class meeting.

Car Policies
Please refer to the Security Department website (

Personal travel is required of students for all clinical courses.  Liability for driving to and from clinical sites falls on the owner of the vehicle.  Automotive insurance is required by Indiana state law.

Information concerning registration of your car and parking at clinical agency sites will be provided by course instructors.

University Policies
All university policies, as published on the USI website, extend to all sites where students are engaged in the role of a nursing student.

No Smoking Policies
Nurses as role models and providers of care should avoid lifestyle factors associated with disease. Smoking and the use of e-cigarettes is prohibited in all hospitals, health care organizations, and on the USI campus except in designated areas near the residence halls. Students are not allowed to smoke in any clinical facility or during the hours of the clinical assignment.  Students who do smoke are encouraged to enroll in available smoking cessation programs.

Respiratory Triggers
We are becoming more aware of the many respiratory triggers in the non-clinical environment (i.e.: excessive perfume or aftershave) and the effect these triggers have on individuals with reactive airway problems. To avoid being an "environmental hazard,” please consider using these respiratory triggers in moderation. Perfume or colognes must not be worn during any clinical experience due to potential client/staff allergic response.

Class Courtesy
Cell phones, beepers and children can be disruptive during class and should not be on or brought to class.  Exceptions are allowed in emergencies only.  Please notify the course faculty if you have such an emergency and need to bring cell phones, beepers or children to class.

Behavior in the Classroom
Professional behavior is an expectation in the classroom.  This includes respect for faculty while presenting content and respect for students while presenting content or voicing an opinion.  Students are expected to be prepared to participate in class discussion and to be on time in attending class sessions.  Students who demonstrate unprofessional behavior may be asked to leave the classroom.

Personal Injury/Exposure to Blood and Body Fluids
Students who are injured or exposed to blood and body fluids in the clinical setting are to report the incident IMMEDIATELY to their instructor and complete both an agency and College incident report. The College incident report forms are available in the Infection Control Section of this handbook. The College incident report will be on file in the nursing office.

Professional Insurance

All USI College of Nursing and Health Professions students are required to purchase liability insurance.  The cost of this insurance will be assessed annually in the fall semester.  This fee is subject to change. Please refer to the Bursar link for details

Work Hours while enrolled in the Nursing Program
The rigor of the nursing program requires a major time commitment and effort.  Students should work no more than 12 to 16 hours per week in order to provide sufficient time for necessary study and clinical preparation.  Students are not to work the shift immediately preceding a scheduled clinical experience.

Gift Policy
No gifts are to be accepted from clients.  No gifts are to be given to faculty.

Bulletin Boards
Bulletin boards located in the Learning Resource Center, Lower Level, 1st floor, and 2nd floor provide information of interest to nursing students.  Please check periodically.

Display of Student Assignments
Student assignments may be displayed as examples of student work for course files and accreditation purposes.  Student work for any other purpose will require permission from the student(s) prior to faculty use.

Faculty Meetings
All faculty meetings are open to students unless posted as a closed meeting.  Due to the confidential nature of information presented, no students will be allowed to participate in the Admissions and Progression Committee. Student representation on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee includes one representative and one alternate from each year of the program. A USI ANS student representative will participate in the Nursing Faculty meetings.

Writing Skill Requirements (APA)
The Nursing Programs will abide by the 6th Edition of the APA Manual for written assignments.  Faculty will provide guidelines regarding minimal expectations for adherence to APA style. Additional guidance for writing in APA style may be found at the library web site.

Contact Dr. Ryan Butler


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