University of Southern Indiana

Examination and Test Review Policy

Each student must have a cumulative minimum average score of 75% on all course exams and quizzes to pass the course unless there is a specific statement in the syllabus stating otherwise.  Points for the ATI Exam and any other course assignments will be averaged in for the final grade, but will not count toward meeting the minimum cumulative exam average. 

  1. Students should arrange themselves in the classroom to provide space between students. 
  1. Time allowed for each test will be communicated by the faculty. 

  2. Students will complete all course exams in person, on campus. Students will need to bring a laptop or tablet to complete online exams in the designated USI classroom.  Students are not permitted to take exams remotely without faculty approval and proctoring.  Students who access the test remotely without faculty approval and appropriate proctoring will be in violation of the University’s Academic Integrity and Appeal Policy.

  3. Students will not be allowed to have any electronic storage devices in their possession during an exam or test review other than the device they are using to complete an online exam. This includes but is not limited to cell phones, IPADs, advanced capability watches (Apple watch), activity trackers, etc. Simple wristwatches may be utilized during testing.  During an exam, if a student is found with an electronic device on his or her person or work area, a 10% deduction on the exam or quiz will occur on total exam points.

  4. Faculty will provide calculators to students if math questions are required.

  5. Students are not permitted to keep any examination paper.

  6. Students who engage in academic misconduct and are found by faculty to be in violation of the University’s Academic Integrity and Appeal Policy ( will have a penalty assessed as outlined under the University’s Academic Integrity and Appeal Policy.

  7. If a student is going to miss an exam, the student must notify the course coordinator prior to the start of the exam.  Failure to notify the faculty prior to the exam start can result in a “0” grade on the exam or quiz.  With prior notification of the absence, the faculty will administer an alternate test within one week of the student returning to class. 

  8. Students will not be allowed to take notes or images during test reviews.  No electronic devices may be used or present in the student work area. 

  9. Test review will be scheduled by the course coordinator. Test review is offered with the intent to clarify and dialogue about concepts evaluated in each exam.  There will be no test review of final exams. 

  10. Computerized exams are arranged by the course faculty. All online/ computerized exams are closed-book unless otherwise designated and reflect only individual effort unless designated as a group exam. Downloading or reproducing any exam or part of an exam is considered academic dishonesty and will result in disciplinary action. 

  11. No students may ask a question during an examination except for clarification about a typographical or grammatical error. 

  12. English as a second language students may use an electronic translator for classroom tests until their last two semesters after translator is approved by a faculty.
  13. Exams may not be reviewed after subsequent exams are given. For example, exam one cannot be reviewed after exam two is administered. 

  14. Students who need to leave the room during an exam must first ask permission of the instructor. Faculty reserve the right to accompany students out of the room. 

  15. No food will be allowed during testing. 

  16. No hats/caps are allowed to be worn during testing. Cultural practices should be communicated with faculty.

Contact Dr. Ryan Butler


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