University of Southern Indiana

Health Requirements

Immunization Schedule
The immunization schedule must follow the College of Nursing and Health Professions’ Infection Control Policy.

Information regarding the College of Nursing and Health Profession’s Essential Functions that are necessary to meet the clinical/practice/fieldwork expectations can be found in the College of Nursing and Health Professions Handbook.

Documentation of Health Requirements

Students are required to follow the college infection control policy regarding maintenance of health records, immunization requirements, and TB testing. Each student:

  1. Must have all required documentation submitted and approved by CastleBranch prior to the first day of class. A scanner for student use is in the Day Learning Resource Center of the Health Professions Center.
  2. A student whose documentation is not submitted and approved in CastleBranch by the first day of class each semester will be given a performance improvement plan (PIP) contract for not being prepared for clinical and may be administratively dropped from the course, which could impact student's progression in the BSN program.
  3. No documentation can expire before the end of the semester. Any documentation that is due to expire during the course should be renewed, submitted, and approved through CastleBranch by the expiration date to prevent any disruption in clinical attendance.  Failure to renew and submit documentation by the expiration date could result in a PIP and may impact student’s progression in the nursing course and program.
  4. Any student whose CastleBranch requirements are incomplete and requires clinical make-up, will be scheduled at faculty’s discretion once requirements are completed.
  5. Failure to complete CastleBranch requirements following a PIP may impact student’s progression in the nursing program. Students can refer to the PIP policy in the BSN Handbook.

Pregnancy and Change in Health Status
Student pregnancy or a change in health status is to be reported to the clinical instructor. A physician's consent is required for students to continue clinical agency experiences. After surgery or other hospitalization, a physician's release to return to clinical is required.

Health Insurance and Health Care Responsibility
Students are expected to have health care insurance while enrolled in the program. The student is responsible for all costs related to their health care, including any costs associated with any type of clinical exposure, while enrolled in the program

Contact Dr. Ryan Butler


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