University of Southern Indiana

Panoramic Imaging

Patient Care, Image Acquisition and Image Critique
Radiologic and Imaging Sciences, Dental Assisting

Interprofessional student groups performed clinical history, took vital signs and performed check-offs for imaging in the USI Dental Clinic. Groups rotated through the panoramic imaging suite for image acquisition on their assigned patient. Following image acquisition, groups reviewed images and prepared for group discussion on image critique and debrief. Student feedback included the appreciation of working with a real patient, learning the differences in how the methods the two professions use to evaluate images and differences in the prescribing process for images.


  • Heather Schmuck, MS, RT(R), Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiologic and Imaging Sciences
  • Amanda Reddington, LDH, MHA, CDA, EFDA, Clinical Assistant Professor of Dental Assisting
  • Amy Egli, LDH, MHA, CDA, EFDA, Instructor of Dental Assisting

The faculty have submitted an article to the Journal of Dental Education and presented the project at the USI Educator Conference in October 2017.

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