CARES Act/HEERF Emergency Grant Fund
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act is federal legislation that established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF), which has provided the University of Southern Indiana with $2.9 million for emergency financial aid grants to students to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus.
The Department of Education has established eligibility guidelines that students must meet in order to be eligible for an award.
Grants range from $200 to $800 depending upon enrollment status and Pell Grant eligibility. Students displaced from University housing were awarded an extra $200.
Under Department of Education guidelines, some students are not eligible for an award such as international students, DACA students, students who took all distance education and students who were not meeting general Title IV eligibility requirements.
The CARES Act does not allow the University to apply funds to a student’s past due balance.
**All CARES Act Grants (HEERF I) have been distributed, and funding has been exhausted.**
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