25% of women (10-30% of men) will be in an unhealthy relationship
7.8 million women report that they have been raped and/or physically assaulted by an intimate partner
50-90% of stalking incidents, 25-35% of physical assaults, & 50-95% of rapes go unreported every year
Interpersonal violence (IPV) is a pattern of violent behavior (including emotional, verbal, physical, and sexual abuse; financial control; and stalking) against another individual. Interpersonal violence involves the abuse of power and control and can occur between family members, friends, or romantic partners. Romantic partners may be married or not; heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual; living together, separated, or dating.
- Emotional Abuse - Manipulation; withdrawing affection or attention; and/or intimidation
- Verbal Abuse - Name calling, yelling, ridicule, and/or threats
- Physical Assault - Hitting, pushing, or shoving; breaking/harming belongings and/or property; mistreatment of a pet
- Sexual Assault/abuse - Unwanted or forced sexual activity, molestation, unwanted sexual jokes/comments
- Financial Abuse - Restricting access to money or requiring that he/she be present when money is spent
- Stalking - Repeated unwanted attention, harassment, and/or contact
- Do you feel controlled or intimidated by a family member, friend, or romantic partner?
- Do you feel as if no one else would like you if your family member, friend, or romantic partner didn’t?
- Does your friend, family member, or romantic partner ever snoop into your personal belongings and/or violate your privacy?
- Does your family member, friend, or romantic partner insult you, call you names, or make you feel stupid or unworthy?
- Does your friend, family member, or romantic partner ever pretend that he or she is doing you a favor by staying with you?
- Has a family member, friend, or partner ever hit, slapped, pushed, or kicked you?
- Has your friend, romantic partner or family member ever damaged or broken your personal belongings?
- Are you afraid of your family member, friend, or romantic partner losing his or her temper?
- Has your romantic partner, friend, or family member ever pressured you sexually?
- Have you altered your normal activities so that you won’t upset your family member, partner, or friend?
If you can answer “yes” to one or more of these questions, you may be in an unhealthy relationship.
Anyone who has experienced violence needs to feel they have choices. It is important for you to feel that you have control over what you want to do after you are assaulted.
- You can report incidences of violence to the Office of Public Safety, local law enforcement, or the Dean of Students Office.
- Please seek out counseling, support, and advocacy at USI’s Counseling Center. Support is also available at the Albion Fellows Bacon Center or the YWCA. Both of these community agencies specialize in working with survivors of interpersonal violence.
- It can be helpful to document all instances of violence (time, what happened, where it happened, names of witnesses, etc.).
- Collect and maintain all evidence such as voicemails, text messages, emails, letters, screen shots of Facebook or other internet pages (not just bookmarks), and photos of injuries and destroyed property.
- Have a safe place to go if relocation becomes necessary.
- Make sure to have some necessities (such as a back up set of keys and cash) easily accessible.
If you feel unsafe:
- On campus - Contact USI Public Safety (812/492-7777)
- Off campus - Contact either USI Public Safety (812/492-7777) or local law enforcement (911).
Ask yourself:
- What makes you feel physically safe when you are alone? What are some things you can do to feel physically safe in your room?
- Who helps you feel safe and why? What do they need to know about you and about what has happened to help you feel safe?
- How can you establish some boundaries so that you feel physically safe in the community?
Albion Fellows Bacon Center (Helpline available 24/7: 812/422-5622)
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence
U.S. Department of Justice: Office of Violence Against Women
YWCA Domestic Violence Shelter