University of Southern Indiana

Teaching Resources

Guidance for Faculty from the Provost's Office for 2021-22 and updated Syllabus Template.

This is an extraordinary time for all of us as we continue to take action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We recognize that you likely will be encountering disruptions and new challenges as you adapt on multiple fronts, including adapting in-person, hybrid, and online instruction for your students. Please know that you have a community of support and expertise, including your colleagues, the staff in Online LearningInformation TechnologyRice LibraryCETL, and Disability Resources, and many more across USI. We're here to help. 

Recent CETL Webinars, Workshops, and Additional Resources

  • Active Learning while Physically Distant or Online webinar: Slides and planning worksheet with resources
  • Adapting your Face-to-Face Course for Online webinarSlides and planning worksheet to provide you with guidance for adapting your class to an online/remote environment and draft a weekly revised course plan based on your existing plans. 
  • Adapting Exams and Assessments webinar: Slides providing considerations and suggestions for transforming high-stakes exams into assessments of student outcomes that adapt to the online/remote environment.
  • Assessment for Student Engagement: Slides
  • First Week of Class: Setting the Stage for LearningSlides and handout
  • Fostering Student Motivation and Engagement: Slides
  • Helping Underprepared (and All) Students Learn More: Slides
  • Hybrid Course Planning and Activities workshop: Slides and planning worksheet with resources
  • Transparent Assignment Design for Student Success: Slides and handouts describing the Transparent Assignment framework to help students understand how and why they are learning course content, as well as increase student confidence and success. Plus, it helps you align the assignment with student learning outcomes.
  • Trauma-Informed Teaching: Slides
  • Teaching with Limited Internet webinar: Slides providing alternatives for student activities/assignments and instructional strategies when you or your students have limited internet access. 
  • Teaching with Bingo: Sample bingo card and tips to promote metacognition and positive behaviors while mixing in some fun. 
  • Crowdsourcing tools, tips, and resources for adapting to online/alternative instruction. You are invited to contribute to and view a list of resources developed by and for the USI community.
    • Add to the list: What tools, tips, and resources have you found to be useful as you navigate the shift to online/remote instruction? 
    • View the list: This curated list is updated regularly to include the suggested resources and tips for the USI community.

Additional Teaching and Learning Resources

  • Faculty Resources Directory: A comprehensive listing of offices and resources relevant to faculty work. 
  • Time Management and Well-being for FacultySlides and resources
  • SoTL Workshop with Laura Cruz (Penn State): Resources
  • 5th Celebration of Teaching & Learning Symposium: Sessions Slides and Keynote Slides: Balancing Flexibility and Rigor to Support Student Success
  • Tech Takeaways brief videos with tips on using instructional tools from Online Learning, Rice Library, and Disability Resources

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