Chrome River System Updates and Reminders

Important updates and reminders about Chrome River:


Depreciation of Internet Explorer

Due to Microsoft’s deprecation of Internet Explorer on Aug. 17, 2021, Chrome River will be fully deprecating the browser beginning with the first release in January 2022. At that time, users will no longer be able to access Chrome River via any version of Internet Explorer.

CR SNAP App and Device Limit

This message applies to all users of the Chrome River SNAP App, which is used for uploading receipt images.

CR SNAP released Version 3.0.3 on 5/31/2021, in preparation for a security enhancement that will come when Version 3.0.5 is released. It is important that you upgrade to 3.0.3 when it is released, otherwise you will be unable to upload receipts or you will receive an error message when trying to do so.

When you update to Version 3.0.3, you will be automatically logged out of CR SNAP on all devices and need to log back in. Log in using your USI email address, and a 6-digit security code will be sent to your email for authentication.

When Version 3.0.5. is released, with the new security enhancement, you will see a new "Device Limit Reached" screen if you already have three devices logged into CR SNAP and attempt to log in on a fourth device. You will be asked to remove one of listed devices in order to add the new device as three is the limit. The screen will list all the active devices and allow users to remove one or more devices in order to log in on the current device.

CR SNAP Upload Button

Additionally, in an upcoming release, Chrome River will be enhancing the Chrome River SNAP with the ability to easily upload existing photos from your device via a new button inside SNAP. Although it is already possible to import photos into SNAP via your mobile device’s  “share” feature, the new upload button will be a more intuitive method easily accessed from the main screen in SNAP.

Here are the steps:

  • Tap the photo icon to the left of the photo-capture button
  • Navigate to the appropriate folder on your device
  • Select the image
  • Add more information, if desired, and then tap UPLOAD



Email Receipts to Your Account

Use email to quickly forward emailed receipt images to your account. Simply forward your email or take a photo of your receipts and email them to The receipt(s) will then be available within your Receipt Gallery. Be sure to send the email from an email account that is registered with Chrome River. Your email address is already registered and you can easily add other addresses via the Preferences menu.

Use Chrome River SNAP App

Do you want a faster way to send in your receipt images? Then download Chrome River's free SNAP app for iPhone and Android. After you SNAP a photo of the receipt, it will appear in your Receipt Gallery. No hassle of email the information or the image taking up phone storage space.

Check out the Chrome River SNAP App guide located in the Chrome River guides section.



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